Introducing the Iron Alliance — A Ferrum Network Initiative in Partner Collaboration

To encourage opportunities for collaboration across all partners, clients, and incubated projects in the Ferrum Ecosystem, Ferrum is proud to announce the Iron Alliance!

Nick Odio
3 min readAug 26, 2021


Necessity is the mother of invention…

At Ferrum, we approach the conceptualization of initiatives the same way we do our products and services. Creating something for the sake of appearing busy adds absolutely zero value. Rather, we like to ask ourselves a relatively simple question…why are we doing this?

In recent weeks and months, Ferrum has seen an unprecedented amount of ecosystem growth regarding partnerships. Yet much of Ferrum’s success relies heavily on the success of those individual partners, clients, incubated projects, etc. Given the collaborative nature of this space and the amount of time projects spend connecting each other, it only made sense to create a central avenue of communication that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation.

What is the Iron Alliance?

The Iron Alliance is a founders group made up of thought leaders from across the Ferrum Ecosystem. When projects partner with Ferrum, they will instantly get plugged into the ecosystem of projects that Ferrum has been building over the last 3+ years. We believe that the compounding effect will encourage a rapid expansion of ideas and a much more sustainable and less siloed one.

Heading up partnerships at Ferrum I’ve found myself spending a heck of a lot of time connecting folks from the vast array of all the rockstar projects. With so many partnerships entailing the element of a referral structure, the sheer number of communication channels you find yourself in can start to be overwhelming.

After a quick conversation with Ian, we determined that a central communication medium in which ideas can be freely shared and acted upon needed to be created to ensure the scalability of this massive ecosystem. The Iron Alliance was a no brainer. Now when a project partners with Ferrum, they partner with the whole ecosystem!

Nick Odio — EVP of Strategic Partnerships and Growth at Ferrum Network

What does the future have in store for the Iron Alliance?

If you haven’t noticed the pattern already, everyday partners associated with Ferrum are choosing to collaborate. This is no coincidence. With the creation of the Iron Alliance, there will now be a single location where ideas can flow in a decentralized manner. A place in which Ferrum will not have to be the central point of contact but rather simply a facilitator of ideas the same as everyone else. Thus we anticipate the previously mentioned pattern to be magnified substantially!

You can expect many more partnerships that encourage token utility, growth, revenue, and substance partnerships. You can expect to see many more multi-project initiatives and campaigns. The sky is the limit, and we’re excited to witness the innovative ideas that this group of thought leaders will inevitably curate! Keep your eyes peeled for the latest additions to the Iron Alliance in the coming weeks!

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.