Monthly Development Report | August 2022

Nick Odio
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2022

For the month of August, the Gateway, integrations, and mainnet teams continued their progress to achieve our quarterly milestones…

Monthly Development Report | August 2022


For the month of August, the Gateway, integrations, and mainnet teams continued their progress to achieve our quarterly milestones. We’re pushing our updated whitepaper and roadmap this quarter. We are actively recruiting RUST engineers experienced with Substrate and DotSama ecosystem. If you are a RUST dev experienced with deploying parachains apply at

Let’s dive into each team’s work and some notable milestones.

The Gateway Team

The gateway team focused on an open source initiative and developing a few white-label products that we feel will be great use cases for mainnet and will add tremendous utility for our clients. This includes products such as Iron Vest powered by our Linear Release Engine, MultiSwap updates, and more.

Open Sourced

As we transition toward being a company focused on building an open-sourced network, we thought it best to start open-sourcing our products as well. Here are a few of our open-sourced repos that we have worked hard on. LEGACY MIGRATING

The Integrations Team

The integrations team had a Big 3 focus which ranged from Pocket Network, Algorand, and Casper. Each of these teams has dedicated resources assigned to the integration. I’m excited to share that we have made significant progress in all of our integrations over the last quarter. We are now looking to launch each of these networks into Alpha this quarter.

Open Sourced

Private — Open Source Planned

The Mainnet Team

Mainnet development is progressing along nicely. We are also about to double the size of this team with additional senior experienced RUST and Substrate engineers. We aim to launch a POC testnet for the Ferrum X Network in Q3 with a functional use case.

Private — Open Source Planned

Highlights from A Few of our Team Members

Name: Zikriya Mushtaq
Team: Development, Gateway
August Updates:

  • Removal of signature authentication to support multi-networks DONE
  • Allow same wallet address with different networks DONE
  • Created API's for multiSwap source and destination selection DONE
  • Web3 layer added to communicate with utils and contract DONE
  • Worked with contract allocation flow by interacting with old bridge contract DONE
  • Worked to get available liquidity DONE
  • Work started on Swap withdraw model to save transactions

September’s Focus:

  • Swap withdraw transactions flow PLANNED
  • Integration of multiSwap contract with backend PLANNED

Name: Faizan Ali
Team: Development, Gateway
August Updates:

  • Development of Vesting Ferrum branding version of user portal DONE
  • Development of Vesting Ferrum branding version of admin portal DONE
  • Wallet Connect in gateway DONE
  • Development of updated UI/UX design for Crucible DONE
  • Debugging of previously made features

September’s Focus:

  • Issues reported in vesting portals PLANNED
  • NFT Staking PLANNED
  • Development of updated UI/UX design for Crucible PLANNED

Name: Rizwan Haider
Team: Development, Gateway
August Updates:

  • Completed restructuring of token supply across networks and delivered API’s circulating and non-circulating, total supply DONE
  • Referral engine DONE
  • Affiliate engine in progress IN PROGRESS

September’s Focus:

  • Quantum Portal PLANNED

Name: Naiem Yeganeh
Development, Mainnet
August Updates:

  • Added test coverage for Quantum portal smart contracts
  • Progress in mainnet by improving node configuration and fixing bugs that have come out of the testing

September’s Focus:

  • Working on making the testnet close to an official public launch in September
  • The quantum portal block explorer is expected to get a new face

Name: Salman Haider
Team: Development, Integrations — Algorand & Pocket
August Updates:

  • Two-way security Implementation & Cross-chain Token Signature
  • Integration of BridgePool with contracts
  • Scripts for Cross-chain bridge Implementation with Bridge Tax Distribution functionality
  • Testing of Fully functional cross-chain swap implementation
  • Updated Pocket Network Cross-Chain Bridge Architectural Model & detailed Algorithms
  • Assisted in understanding the EVM bridge contracts for pocket
  • Assisted in code documentation and structuring for pocket
  • PR review and demos for pocket

September’s Focus:

  • Integration of smart contracts & Scripts with Algorand UI & Backend
  • Integration & Testing of Fully Functional Algorand Cross-chain DApp.

Name: Abdul Ahad
Team: Development, Integrations — Algorand
August Updates:

  • Completed UI for multi swap
  • Removed blockers of signature generation for Algorand bridge
  • Completed Algorand bridge MVP
  • Started migration of multi swap UI into gateway frontend
  • Started to revamp of bridge backend

September’s Focus:

  • Complete UI integration of mutliswap bridge into gateway frontend
  • Complete multiswap bridge revamp
  • Refine Algorand bridge with new contract changes

Name: Jun Kai
Team: Development, Integrations — Pocket
August Updates:

  • Added integration test for bridgepool and bridgefee modules
  • Write documentation for bridgepool and bridgefee modules
  • Setup own version of single node testnet for frontend & ferrum node access
  • Resolve issues that were found on public single node testnet testing
  • Add missing CLI commands and update CLI for bridgepool and bridgefee modules
  • Demos with pocket core community
  • Support for building frontend side for broadcasting custom transactions and querying
  • Get pocket core PR ready with the latest version

September’s Focus:

  • Complete regression test cases
  • Support to get pocket core PR approved and merged
  • Check and resolve issues for edge cases

Name: Rostyslav Tyshko
Team: Development, Integrations — Casper
August Updates:

  • Wrote tests for staking contract on Casper Network
  • Cleaned up Mainnet code base
  • Stabilized Mainnet dependencies on Substrate crates

September’s Focus:

  • Finalizing the staking smart contract for a ready-to-ship product

Name: Ibraheem Kabir
Team: Development, Integrations — Pocket
August Updates:

  • Built a working prototype for Dapp integration with Pokt wallet, establishing a connection and developed a custom transaction handling mechanism with Pokt wallet.
  • Updated pokt-js package with modules for compatibility with Ferrum bridge custom transactions.

September’s Focus:

  • Integrating the bridge client with Pokt wallet integration.
  • Implement client side of Pokt bridge utilizing changes made to pokt-js and custom transactions on pokt-core.

In Conclusion

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting up to speed on all of the latest developments at Ferrum! This will be an exciting month as we close out Q3 and aim to hit our quarterly milestones. Stay tuned for another update next month!

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is ushering in the era of blockchain interoperability 2.0. Powered by the multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

Ferrum Network Important Links

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.