Monthly Development Report | July 2022

In the month of July Ferrum kicked off Q3 with three distinct areas of focus — Gateway, Integrations and Mainnet teams.

Nick Odio
5 min readAug 5, 2022


Monthly Development Report | July 2022

Dear Ferrum Community,

Since last year Ferrum has scaled the engineering team from 2 people to 13 with a few new hires in the pipeline. It can be a lot to keep track of so we wanted to start providing Monthly Development Reports to keep everyone up to date on what’s happening behind the scenes. We’ll start this series off with July 2022. We hope you enjoy!

The Gateway Team

The Gateway team focused on an open source initiative and development of a few white label products that we feel will be great use cases for mainnet and will add tremendous utility for our clients as well. This includes products such as our Vesting Portal.

The Gateway team is now transitioning to a MultiSwap blitz to finish Q3. We are working to make this the most polished product we have put out yet. We’ll be sharing more details about this in an article about our “Third Mover Advantage” and how we are using it to build world-class solutions that will bring lasting value to the industry.

Name: Zikriya Mushtaq
Team: Development, Gateway
July Updates:

  • Code migration from JS to TS DONE
  • Repository security DONE (Open Source Initiative)
  • Super Admin APIs (Delete Features) IN PROGRESS (Admin deployments, reduce technical debt to focus on new products)

August’s Focus:

  • Integration of Multiswap in Gateway PLANNED

Name: Faizan Ali
Team: Development, Gateway
July Updates:

  • Development of vesting Whitelabeled version of user portal DONE
  • Development of Vesting Whitelabeled version of admin portal DONE
  • Development of Vesting Ferrum branding version of user portal IN PROGRESS
  • Development of Vesting Ferrum branding version of admin portal IN PROGRESS
  • Debugging of previously made features

August’s Focus:

  • Development of Vesting Ferrum branding version of admin portal PLANNED
  • Development of Wallet connect option for mobile screens PLANNED
  • Development of updated UI/UX design for Crucible PLANNED

Name: Rizwan Haider
Team: Development, Gateway
July Updates:

  • Backend API’s development on multi token staking leaderboard DONE
  • Development on the listing of tokens of DeFi Liama DONE
  • Development on the API’s of token supply across networks IN PROGRESS

August’s Focus:

  • Development on the API’s of token supply across networks IN PROGRESS
  • Quantum Portal PLANNED

The Integrations Team

The integrations team had a Big 3 focus which ranged from Pocket Network, Algorand and Casper. Each of these teams have dedicated resources assigned to the integration. I’m excited to share that in over the last quarter we have made significant progress in all of our integrations. We are now looking to launch each of these networks into Alpha this quarter.

Name: Salman Haider
Team: Development, Integrations — Algorand
Items worked on this month (July):

  • Developing the cross-chain token bridge between Algorand Blockchain & BSC Blockchain.
  • Developed the smart contracts for BridgePool (Token Bridge) and TaxDistributor (for distribution of bridge tax fee).
  • Integrating the Cross-Chain Bridge smart contracts with A Functional UI to test the Swaps/Withdrawals among Algorand <> BSC

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Finalizing the Algorand Cross-Chain Token Bridge for a ready-to-ship product.

Name: Abdul Ahad
Team: Development, Integrations — Algorand
Items worked on this month:

  • Algorand contract script integration
  • EVM to Non-EVM swap & vice versa
  • Withdraw on EVM-chains (non-EVM to EVM swap)
  • Withdraw on Non-EVM (EVM to non-EVM swap)
  • signature for the Non-EVM to EVM swap tx
  • signature for the EVM to Non-evm(Algorand) swap
  • tokens mapping with Algo network fix
  • single connect wallet button
  • worked on foundry for wallet single connect

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Algorand Cross-Chain Token Bridge QA testing.
  • Multiswap frontend design and smart contracts integration

Name: Jun Kai
Team: Development, Integrations — Pocket
Items worked on this month (July):

  • Implement bridge fee module & test tax distribution via fee module
  • Add CLI commands for bridge fee module & execute demo
  • Add keeper tests for bridge fee module
  • In progress of adding integration tests for bridgepool module features
  • Support for Algorand side bridgepool and tax distributor

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Complete integration tests for bridgepool and bridge fee
  • Support ferrum node integration for pocket core
  • Support wallet integration for pocket core
  • Determine further features to be worked on

Name: Rostyslav Tyshko
Team: Development, Integrations — Casper
Items worked on this month (July):

  • Fixed the Ferrum ERC-20 token on Casper Network
  • Developing the staking smart contract for Casper Network

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Finalizing the staking smart contract for a ready-to-ship product.

Name: Ibraheem Kabir
Team: Development, Integrations — Velas — Harmony
Items worked on this month (July):

  • Integrated harmony and shiden on the ferrum bridge and node.
  • Integrated velas into the traditional staking config and got velas staking ready for production
  • Started working on Pocket integration on the ferrum bridge UI

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Finish up Pocket integration implementation plan and architecture on bridge UI.
  • Implement a working prototype of ferrum bridge integration on the Pocket network following an agreed upon architecture plan.

The Mainnet Team

Mainnet development is progressing along nicely, we are also about to double the size of this team with additional senior experienced RUST and Substrate engineers. Our goal is to launch a PoC testnet for the Ferrum X Network in Q3 with a functional use case.

Name: Naiem Yeganeh
Development, Mainnet
July Updates:

  • Updating and refactoring the bridge interaction with EVM-compatible chains DONE
  • Deployment of Quantum Portal smart contracts on pilot EVM-compatible networks QA
  • Update of Ferrum Runtime and Quantum Portal to interact with multi-chain infra QA
  • Deployment of multi-chain token use case using Runtime IN PROGRESS

August’s Focus:

  • Lanch of FerrumX Network official Testnet

In Conclusion

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting up to speed on all of the latest developments at Ferrum! This is going to be an exciting month as we have begun the process of scaling the mainnet team with Substrate devs. Stay tuned for another update next month!

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is a pioneer in ushering in the era of Interoperability 2.0. Powered by the Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet nodes and related infrastructure will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry. Utilizing the Ferrum Network, anyone can build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multi-chain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multi-chain infrastructure for their dApps, and projects.

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.