Monthly Development Report | July 2023

Nick Odio
Published in
9 min readAug 8, 2023


During the month, the dev team made significant strides in various aspects of their projects. They kickstarted the development of the node and signing infrastructure for MultiSwap, introducing the generator, validator, and master nodes to bolster the security of transactions passing through the platform.

On the integration front, the team achieved a noteworthy milestone by successfully integrating Cudos Mainnet with MultiSwap and promptly submitting it for review. Additionally, continuous efforts were dedicated to collaborating with reviewers to obtain approvals for all milestones related to Casper Network. As MultiSwap is now live on beta, the team shifted their focus to integrating numerous other networks with MultiSwap, aiming to provide users with an enhanced and diverse trading experience.

Furthermore, the Mainnet team accomplished significant progress by launching several new services associated with the Quantum Portal Network (QPN) into production. A significant achievement was secured as they won a Kusama slot.

Looking ahead, the much-anticipated launch of the Quantum Portal Network (QPN) is anticipated this month, contingent upon avoiding any unforeseen obstacles. These developments exemplify the team’s commitment to continuous improvement and delivering innovative solutions to their user base.

A Quick Summary of Dev WIP

Mainnet Development

  1. Quantum Portal Explorer DEV
  2. Quantum Portal Network testnet deployment DEV
  3. Launching QP Network


  1. Settlement Engine
  2. Finalizing the right flow for settlement engine COMPLETE
  3. Integration of SettlementEngine into the FiberEngine module COMPLETE
  4. Fee distribution architecture DEV
  5. Slippage tolerance DEV
  6. Node & Signing Infrastructure DEV

Integration Milestones

  1. Casper Staking DEPLOYED REVIEW
  2. Casper BridgePool DEPLOYED REVIEW
  3. Deploy Cudos integration with MultiSwap on Mainnet DEPLOYED
  4. Add more networks to MultiSwap and conduct swaps with Cudos network COMPLETE


  1. Crucible Whitelabeling guide
  2. Quantum Portal Explorer enhancements


During July, mainnet team launched several new services related to the quantum portal network to production. We have won a Kusama slot and if there are no unexpected blockers, we are expecting the QPN to be launched this month. Therefore we are focused on productionizing various services, explorers, and UIs for QPN.


The team were able to implement the Settlement Engine which helps in providing a more precise and reliable trading experience while accounting for market fluctuations.

The team has also started working on the node and signing infrastructure where we will create a generator, validator, and master node to secure every transaction that goes through MultiSwap.

COSMWASM MultiSwap Integration

The team was able to successfully deliver milestone 4 which included integrating with Cudos mainnet and conducting swaps to and from Cudos with multiple other networks. The milestone is currently under review and is expected to be approved within the month of August.

Crucible White labeling

With this latest enhancement, Crucible can now be white-labeled, allowing organizations to apply their preferred theme and colors, giving their Crucible experience a personalized touch. Our team has developed an intuitive customization interface within Crucible’s administrative settings, allowing administrators to easily configure and apply their desired theme and colors.

We have also onboarded our first Crucible Whitelabeling client and will be setting up Crucible as per their theme.

Integration Milestones


  1. We are delighted to share that we were able to successfully complete the Casper bridge integration and share it with the community for testing


  1. We were able to deploy the frontend and test it internally and share it with community for testing

Cudos Network — DEPLOYED

  1. Integration with Cudos Mainnet COMPLETE
  2. Conduct swap with to and from multiple networks with Cudos Network COMPLETE

Neon Network — DEV

  1. Deployment of SmartContracts DEPLOYED
  2. Integration with FIBER Engine COMPLETE
  3. Integration with Neon Devnet COMPLETE
  4. Integration with Neon Mainnet DEV

Kava Labs — DEV

  1. Deployment of SmartContracts DEPLOYED
  2. Integration with FIBER Engine COMPLETE
  3. Testing swaps IN PROGRESS

Highlights from A Few of our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Multiswap node infrastructure flow planning
  • Neon EVM network integration with MultiSwap
  • Avalanche C-Chain network integration with MultiSwap
  • MultiSwap-Generation-Node:
  1. Project setup
  2. AWS secrets module added
  3. setSecurityKey api created
  • MultiSwap project structure/architecture modification for better support of typescript

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on MultiSwap node infrastructure (generator node, validator node, master node, FIBER engine and gateway backend)

PRs for the month:

updateDecimalsCabnByCabnId reviewd and fixed for superAdmin by zikriya · Pull Request #277 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

decimal ignore on targetNetwork while getting quote at fiberNode.ts by zikriya · Pull Request #94 · ferrumnet/FIBER-Engine-Backend

Develop by zikriya · Pull Request #95 · ferrumnet/FIBER-Engine-Backend

Avalanche C-Chain support added in estimateGasForSwap function by zikriya · Pull Request #99 · ferrumnet/FIBER-Engine-Backend

Arslan Kibria

Arslan Kibria

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • MultiSwap node infrastructure flow creation/R&D
  • MultiSwap v1 apis/module deprecation
  • Code optimization
  • Gas estimation modification

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on MultiSwap node infrastructure (validator node and gateway backend

PRs for the month:

multiswap v1 apis/modules which are not part of flow have removed by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #279 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Feature/node infra by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #1 · ArslanKibria98/gateway-backend

Talha Azeem


Team: Development, Gateway

Items worked on this month:

  • Code refactoring for gateway
  1. Connect Wallet ,Dialog Fixed, Input Button, Success Screen.
  2. Leaderboard Competition, Description Changes.

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Continue working on gateway code refactoring

PRs for the month:


Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Addition in the Sidebar menu items for Discord and FAQs
  • Added Multiswap Beta Banner for desktop
  • Fixed the destination amount loader icon position issue
  • Max amount approval issue
  • Moving all the API endpoints into one folder for gateway
  • Remove the Extra files within multiswap
  • move all css files into assets folder
  • Merged the Crucible code with Develop

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Continue working on gateway code refactoring

PRs for the month:

Stanly Johnson


Team: Development, Mainnet

Items worked on this month:

  • Integrate democracy and collective pallets to qpn runtime
  • Integrate monitoring tools to docker
  • End-to-end testing for QPN testnet
  • Built a bot to update FRM token price on all oracle networks
  • Update substrate node for new QP state contract

PRs for the month:

[feat] Integrate democracy and collective pallets to qpn runtime by 3ierratango · Pull Request #49 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

feat: add monitoring docker for QPN by 3ierratango · Pull Request #50 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Push to a live testnet and encourage community testing of QPN

Salman Haider

Salman Haider

Team: Development, Integrations — Cudos, Casper, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Conducted thorough Neon Research and Development (R&D) to integrate Neon into Multiswap
  • Addressed critical Casper bugs, collaborated closely with the team to ensure timely milestone delivery, and maintained project progress to achieve development targets.
  • Structured an optimized fee management system through comprehensive research, enhancing Multiswap fee distribution mechanism.
  • Assisted the team in configuring Avalanche for Multiswap, leveraging technical expertise to integrate Avalanche effectively and broaden supported networks.
  • Assisted the team in configuring Neon & Optimism for Multiswap
  • Deployed contracts on optimism and configured the network
  • Conducted comprehensive R&D on fee architecture to support MultiSwap’s fee management.
  • Deployed Ferrum Validator nodes on Goracle Testnet & Mainnet for staking / delectation.

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Implement the fee management system for MultiSwap

Sibghat Ullah


Team: Development, Integrations — Cudos, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Research and Development (R&D) on Fee Management
  • Initiating Settlement Engine on MultiSwap Side
  • R&D on Adding New Networks
  • Performed RnD for adding neon mainnet in MS and able to swap some assets. Coordinate with backend and QA team configure new networks
  • Custom Token Listing on MoraSwap

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Complete the work on Fee Distribution and integrate more networks with MultiSwap

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad

Team: Development, Integrations, Casper, Quantum Portal Explorer

Items worked on this month:

  • Explored and tested docs for verification
  • Contract verification on QP using UI
  • Contract code design implementation
  • Code editor implementation with numbers fields
  • Filter dialog select elements implemented and their state management
  • Filter dialog with filter search api integration
  • Explorer module added and search api created
  • Search api for filteration
  • Added validation for search api
  • Network schema change and networkByName api created

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Continue working on Quantum Portal Explorer implementation

PRs for the month:

network schema change and networkByName api created · AbdulAhadArain/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@f5dadd1

explorer module added and search api created · AbdulAhadArain/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@8ca6ea7

search api updated for filter · AbdulAhadArain/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@72be3d2

search api validation updated · AbdulAhadArain/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@5422b4f

Jun Kai

Jun Kai

Team: Development, Integrations — MultiSwap, Cudos

Items worked on this month:

  • Share comdex team the steps to integrate comdex on Multiswap & comdex forum proposal preparation, communication for Comdex integration timeline & Comdex proposal document work
  • Prepare a intro for Ferrum’s Cosmos ecosystem contribution history & discussion for updates after initial post
  • Look for possible integrations for grants and research projects’ technical details (EVMOS, Aleo, Zetachain, Ramp, Polygon supernets)

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • R&D on future integrations
  • Cudos production release

Rostyslav Tyshko

Rostyslav Tyshko

Team: Development, Integrations — Casper

Items worked on this month:

  • Refactored withdraw
  • Fixed duplicates issue
  • Finalised bridge_pool

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Fix bridge_pool size issue
  • Conduct more integration testing on staking
  • Fix error 7001

PR for the month:

Audit fixes by tyshkor · Pull Request #8 · ferrumnet/casper_staking

Constants fix by tyshkor · Pull Request #12 · ferrumnet/bridge-casper-smart-contracts

David Scandroli

David Scandroli

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

  • Quantum Portal Explorer V1.6
  • Flow update
  • UI design
  • Contract Flow

Design URLs:

Quantum Portal Explorer V1.6

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is Pioneering Interoperability 2.0 — a new era of interconnected blockchains. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

Ferrum Network Important Links

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.