Monthly Development Report | March 2024

Nick Odio
Published in
7 min readApr 16, 2024
Monthly Development Report | March 2024


Last month marked the successful public launch of MultiSwap, met with an overwhelmingly positive response from users. Following the launch, the team continued to add feature enhancements to further improve the platform’s functionality and user experience. Key enhancements included gas optimization and the introduction of customized slippage settings, demonstrating the team’s commitment to refining MultiSwap and catering to the evolving needs of its users.

On the Mainnet front, significant progress was made in integrating one of the largest non-EVM blockchains into the ecosystem. Additionally, the team successfully developed a proof of concept (PoC) for EVM compatibility with non-EVM chains, positioning it as a Layer 2 or Layer 3 solution.

A Quick Summary of Dev WIP

  1. Mainnet Development
    a. Add support for more chains on Quantum Portal COMPLETE
    b. Miners Staking Flow DEV
  2. MultiSwap
    a. Destination gas fee COMPLETE
    b. Testing and production launch COMPLETE
    c. Same network swaps DEV
    d. CCTP integration DEV
    e. MultiSwap 2.0 DEV
    f. Audit 2.0 IN PROGRESS
  3. Design
    a. Mainnet Miner Dashboards updates IN PROGRESS
    b. MultiSwap 2.0 COMPLETE


Last month, Mainnet team started design and development of integration for one of the biggest non evm block chains. We have also built the POC for evm compatibility to non-evm chains as an L2/L3. In the coming year, the mentioned product will be productionized and made available to beta testers.


Our team has been hard at work, implementing new features and expanding our offerings to provide you with a seamless and accessible decentralized exchange experience.

We are excited to announce the completion of the customized slippage tolerance feature, a significant enhancement that puts more control in the hands of our users. With this feature, users can now set a custom slippage tolerance for each swap, allowing for more precise and tailored trading experiences.

In our ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility and convenience, we have been working on the implementation of WAGMI. This feature enables users to use multiple wallets with MultiSwap, providing greater flexibility and ease of use. With WAGMI, you can seamlessly switch between different wallets, making it easier to manage your assets and execute trades across various accounts. Currently, this feature is undergoing rigorous testing to ensure its reliability and functionality before it is made available to our users.

Gas fees can be a significant concern for traders, especially when conducting multiple swaps. That’s why we have been hard at work on the gas optimization feature, which aims to significantly reduce gas fees for each swap. By optimizing gas usage, we are committed to making trading on MultiSwap more cost-effective and accessible to all users.

MultiSwap Public Launch

We are thrilled to announce the successful public launch of MultiSwap last month, which has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback. Surpassing expectations, MultiSwap offers users a superior experience compared to competitors, boasting lower gas fees, no protocol fees, and more favorable swap quotations. This successful launch marks a significant milestone in our journey towards revolutionizing decentralized exchanges and empowering users with efficient and cost-effective trading solutions.

Highlights from a Few of Our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Dynamic approach implemented to get gasLimit while withdarawal
  • swapAndWithdrawTransactions model modified for dynamic slippage
  • Bug fixing/ Improvements
  • sourceBridgeAmount null bug fixed for fake quote while testing
  • Dynamic slippage feature
  • Flow created for multiple gas providers
  • Configurations added to in gasFee collection
  • Gas price configurations added to handle with/without aggressive gas price
  • Optimism and Avalanche networks configured

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will focus on same network swaps and other additional features

PRs for the month:

Contracts network config updated for dev env. FiberRouter.json updated by zikriya · Pull Request #48 · ferrumnet/multiswap-generator-node

OP and AVAX network added by zikriya · Pull Request #49 · ferrumnet/multiswap-generator-node

FM in networks config modified by zikriya · Pull Request #47 · ferrumnet/multiswap-generator-node your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

createBulkCabns api created for superAdmin by zikriya · Pull Request #381 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

gasLimit removed while withdraw request to fiber engine by zikriya · Pull Request #383 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

swapAndWithdrawTransactions updated by zikriya · Pull Request #388 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Arslan Kibria

Arslan Kibria

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Super admin api for cabn
  • Gas fee optimization feature
  • Slippage split into source and destination feature
  • getBulkCabns api modified after new feature of dynamic slippage
  • Fake quote and type feature
  • EVM chain network failure handled
  • Slack notification added on chain network failure
  • Slippage removed from destinationAmountOut from getTokenCategorizedAndQuoteInformation api
  • Low slippage allowed
  • Slippage split into source and destination
  • owlracleGasJob separate out with code optimization for multiple gas providers
  • Common modules created for gas providers, now in future if want to add new provider then we just need to add a cron for it and all other log and configurations will be same
  • Code optimization

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap documentation for audit and other additional features implementation

PRs for the month:

createBulkCabn api for superAdmin by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #380 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Gas optimization changes by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #382 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Slippage split into source and destination by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #385 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

sourceSlippage and destinationSlippage sent with getBulkCabns api by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #386 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Fake Quotation API integration on MultiSwap
  • Wagmi sdk implementation
  • Removed metamask sdk from foundry
  • Created custom hook in foundry for sendTransaction
  • Created custom hook in foundry for switchChain
  • Metamask, ConnectWallet integration on MS
  • RnD on WAGMI for new wallet integrations
  • integrated Trust, Zerion, Rainbow, MEW wallets using WAGMI
  • WAGMI integration MS
  • MS V.2 design review meetings

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap 2.0 implementation

PRs for the month: your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Yakdao Prod deployment
  • Implemented Deeplinking for Mobile Metamask
  • Mobile Dialogs improvements
  • Twitter/X Encoded Link integrated
  • Gas Estimation, Quote and Swap APIs params updated
  • Hotfix dynamic slippage functionality
  • Source and Destination Slippage introduced
  • Slippage with changeable functionality for end user
  • Token Balances functionality
  • Sorting on Token Listing
  • Min Destination Amount fetching from API
  • Swap Dialog Updated for Min Destination Amount
  • Changed Network Mapping Direction on Token List Dialog
  • MS 2.0 Design Review Discussions

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap 2.0 implementation

PRs for the month: your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Salman Haider

Salman Haider

Team: Development, Integrations, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • MultiSwap production / launch support
  • Development of SwapOnSameNetwork Swaps
  • Implementation of swapping native currency on same network with other tokens
  • Worked on the MultiSwap contracts documentation
  • Added two new networks Avalanche & Optimism on MultiSwap
  • R&D on CCTP for higher amount of USDC swaps
  • Development of CCTP prototype
  • Development of foundry swaps using CCTP
  • Introducing CCTPFundManager for handling CCTP swaps

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • CCTP integration with MultiSwap

PRs for the month: your Github account your Github account your Github account

MultiSwap Gas Optimisation & Improvements by salmanferrum · Pull Request #45 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap

David Scandroli

David Scandroli

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

  • New MultiSwap Design
  • New Color system
  • Design designed to be more responsive
  • We improved the UI/UX
  • Flow update

Design URLs:

MultiSwap Design 2.0 (EXTERNAL)

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is Pioneering Interoperability 2.0 — a new era of interconnected blockchains. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.