Monthly Development Report | May 2023

Nick Odio
Published in
9 min readJun 12, 2023
Monthly Development Report | May 2023


The Ferrum team has actively integrated the valuable feedback gathered from the MultiSwap beta launch, implementing necessary updates to enhance the platform’s functionality and user experience. They are strongly committed to ensuring a seamless trading experience and are actively working towards the readiness of the Settlement Engine, aiming to provide an improved trading environment.

Regarding the Casper integration, the team is nearing completion, with the majority of milestones submitted and currently under review by the DAO. They are working closely with their Audit partners to ensure the security and effectiveness of the Staking and Bridge components. The team is committed to delivering a secure and reliable integration with the Casper network.

In terms of the Mainnet, the team has been actively working on improving documentation and enhancing the developer experience. They have made progress on the runtime logic, updating to the latest release of Polkadot. Additionally, new pallets have been added to allow the runtime to pause or rate limit specific calls, enhancing control and stability. Multiple runtimes have also been created to facilitate faster iteration and development.

Overall, the Ferrum team continues to focus on delivering a robust and user-friendly experience across their platforms. They are dedicated to addressing user feedback, ensuring secure integrations, and providing comprehensive developer support.

A Quick Summary of Dev WIP

  1. Mainnet Development
    a. Quantum Portal Explorer DEV
    b. Quantum Portal Fee Management DONE
  2. MultiSwap
    i. Development of Contracts that will serve as the primary routing mechanism for interactions with DEX Routers, Aggregator Routers, and Fund Manager PLANNED
    b. Settlement Engine
    i. Finalizing the right flow for the settlement engine DONE
    ii. Integration of SettlementEngine into the FiberEngine module DEV
  3. Integration Milestones
    a. Casper Staking DEPLOYED REVIEW
    b. Casper BridgePool DEPLOYED REVIEW
    c. Smart contracts audit for Cudos IN REVIEW
    d. Deploy Cudos integration with MultiSwap on Mainnet TESTING
  4. Design
    a. Quantum Portal Explorer enhancements


Last month, mainnet team kicked off development of final pieces of the puzzle to make Quantum Portal and the testnet production ready. We have added fee management to QP along with a new miner selection algorithm.

This month the effort to make QP and testnet production ready will be continued. Our goal is to complete significant parts.


The team worked on implementing Cudos network through MultiSwap node where the signature creation process takes place. The MultiSwap node now creates the signatures for EVM to EVM, EVM to Cudos, and Cudos to EVM.

The next priority item is the implementation of Settlement Engine. The This will provide a more precise and reliable trading experience, ensuring optimal execution while accounting for market fluctuations.

COSMWASM MultiSwap Integration

The audit review for SmartContracts is on the final stage of getting approved. Meanwhile, the team have made updates to MultiSwap to integrate it with Cudos Mainnet. The development is complete and internal testing has begin.

DAO Governance

DAO governance enables us to use Ferrum Network staking contracts in conjunction with to implement decentralize governance and establish a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

First Iteration:

Staked Defi Balance Strategy Added for All Ferrum Network Staking Contracts [staked-defi-balance] by taha-abbasi · Pull Request #1129 · snapshot-labs/snapshot-strategies

Second Iteration:

[staked-defi-balance] support for multiple contracts, including traditional staking & open staking across different networks by taha-abbasi · Pull Request #1149 · snapshot-labs/snapshot-strategies


Integration Milestones

  1. Casper Bridge — DEPLOYEDIN REVIEW
    a. We are delighted to share that we were able to successfully complete the Casper bridge integration and share it with community for testing
  2. Casper Staking — DEPLOYED IN REVIEW
    a. We were able to deploy the frontend and test it internally and share it with community for testing
  3. Cudos Network — DEPLOYED
    a. Solidity Audit IN REVIEW
    b. Cosmwasm Audit IN REVIEW
    c. Integration with Cudos Mainnet TESTING
  4. Neon Network — DEV
    a. Deployment of SmartContracts DEV
    b. Integration with FIBER Engine DEV

Highlights from A Few of our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Testing rounds on dev and prod environment
  • Bug fixing for superAdmin onboarding API’s
  • Bug fixing on getTokenDataByContractAddressAndChainId public API
  • Cloned iron vest backend and deployed on AWS dev environment
  • Some changes related AWS secrete manager, postman and mongoDB collection
  • Adjustment of networks

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on “FIBER” and “MultiSwap” and MuliSwap Node (Gateway White Labelling , Validation feature on Multiswap)

PRs for the month:

getTokenDataByContractAddressAndChainId api modified and added error in the case of no data found, also related this api modules have been formatted by zikriya · Pull Request #259 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Non evm v2 by zikriya · Pull Request #260 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

bug resolved for non-evm flow in v2 by zikriya · Pull Request #261 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

wrong passwrod bug fixed in signIn api for superAdmin by zikriya · Pull Request #262 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Develop by zikriya · Pull Request #263 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Arslan Kibria

Arslan Kibria

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Dynamic networks feature
  • Public end points for RPC based receipt
  • Cron and swap and withdraw flow related different layers added for Multiswap-Node v0.1.0
  • Local network removed from getSwapSigned, getWithdrawSigned API’s
  • Local network removed from getTokenCategorizedAndQuoteInformation API

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on FIBER v0.2.0 and Multiswap v0.2.0

PRs for the month:

getReceiptBySwapHash api for public by ArslanKibria · Pull Request #216 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

isNonEVM key added for networks, wallets and currencyAddressesByNetwork model by ArslanKibria · Pull Request #218 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

set non evm for networks, cabn and wallets api added for superAdmin by ArslanKibria · Pull Request #220 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

swapAndWithdraw layers and job added by ArslanKibria · Pull Request #223 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

getWithdrawSigned api with swapHash, getSwapSigned and getWithdrawSigned is getting network from chache by ArslanKibria · Pull Request #50 · ferrumnet/FIBER-Engine-Backend

Talha Azeem


Team: Development, Mainnet, Quantum Portal Explorer

Items worked on this month:

  • Table responsiveness implemented
  • Carousel added
  • Deficard for mobile added
  • Cards Data Fixed
  • Code Refactored, Filter dialog , merged with API
  • Images code refactored , icons folder added

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • White labeling for Crucible

PRs for the month:

Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap, Quantum Portal Explorer

Items worked on this month:

  • Token amount update after swap
  • Cudos amount update after swap
  • Data populated on Address module from API response and made changes for complete flow
  • Address screen updated wrt contract and wallet address
  • Swap and Withdraw Dialog Fix
  • Merged the develop and main branch code
  • Merge non-evm-b2 branch to develop

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • White labeling for Crucible

PRs for the month:

Stanly Johnson


Team: Development, Mainnet

Items worked on this month:

  • Improve documentation for developer docs
  • Update ferrum node to polkadot-v0.9.39
  • Create seperate runtimes for multiple networks
  • Added a transaction pause pallet to runtime
  • Setup repo with example contracts for dev documentation

PRs for the month:

Gitbook docs v2 by 3ierratango · Pull Request #37 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

Update to polkadot-v0.9.39 by 3ierratango · Pull Request #38 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

[feat] create rococo/kusama runtimes by 3ierratango · Pull Request #40 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

[feat] Add pallet to filter transactions by 3ierratango · Pull Request #42 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

setup example contract by 3ierratango · Pull Request #1 · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-tutorial-code-and-examples

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Focusing on end-to-end testing and building better developer experience

Salman Haider

Salman Haider

Team: Development, Integrations — Cudos, Casper, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Led the team on Casper Milestone ReSubmission
  • Assisted team in integrating the new Wallet on the deprecation of casperSigner
  • PR Reviews, Release Notes submissions
  • Interaction with Casper ĐẠO & Reviewer
  • R&D on Settlement Engine
  • Neon EVM Deployments & Configuration of proxy contracts

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Review and plan for the upcoming integrations

Sibghat Ullah


Team: Development, Integrations — Cudos, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Complete test cases for Multiswap contract
  • Work with backend team to for SWAP of non-EVM
  • Work on multiswap node side for nonEVM withdraw signature generation
  • Start working on settlementEngine.
  • Interact with testers to get through the multiswap testing
  • Look after issues of beta testers
  • Confiigure Multiswap on neon testnet

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Complete the work on Settlement Engine

PRs for the month:

Test cases for fiberRouter Contract added by SibghatUllah1997 · Pull Request #25 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap

Test Cases for Fiber Router added also a new test case is added to fu… by SibghatUllah1997 · Pull Request #26 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad

Team: Development, Integrations, Casper, Quantum Portal Explorer

Items worked on this month:

  • Added get all networks endpoint
  • Transaction interface fixed
  • Added the error handler middleware
  • Updated the endpoint of contract interaction methods
  • Implemented the Read Contract Screen
  • Implemented the Write Contract Screen
  • Redux implementation for Contract Screen

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Continue working on Quantum Portal Explorer implementation

PRs for the month:

remove unused import · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@1dfae86

added get all networks API · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@d2c6ed8

added the error handler middleware and updated the endpoints related … · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend@d01ec3a

Jun Kai

Jun Kai

Team: Development, Integrations — MultiSwap, Cudos

Items worked on this month:

  • Get review for test coverage increase PR and improve to check the logic accurately on the test
  • Ask multisig address to use for the contract ownership
  • Get mainnet deployment parameters (fee collector address, signer, etc.)
  • Get mainnet CUDOS tokens for deployment
  • Add separate fee collector address for cudos
  • Confirm that the fee collector address can be updated by owner multisig
  • Deploy mainnet staging v2 with audited codebase, configure signer, foundry asset, fees and shared on multiswap channel
  • Test deployed features for stage v2 via CLI
  • Test multiswap Cudos swap on demo url and share found issues
  • Suggestion for withdrawal of gas token on target network, accurate error message, multiple networks liquidity tracking on UI

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • R&D on future integrations
  • Cudos production release

PRs for the month:

Fee collector address addition by jpine3528 · Pull Request #19 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap-CosmWasm-Contracts

Rostyslav Tyshko

Rostyslav Tyshko

Team: Development, Integrations — Casper

Items worked on this month:

  • Enhanced bridge_pool code documentation
  • Deployed casper_staking on mainnet
  • Fixed bridge_pool message_hash issue

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Deploy bridge_pool on mainnet
  • Enhance bidge_pool tests
  • Fix refund issue

PR for the month:

Instructions for Building and installing contracts by tyshkor · Pull Request #6 · ferrumnet/casper_staking

Audit fixes by tyshkor · Pull Request #9 · ferrumnet/bridge-casper-smart-contracts

David Scandroli

David Scandroli

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

  • Quantum Portal Explorer V1.5
  • Flow update
  • UI design
  • Read and write Contract/Proxy
  • Update in the Flow User Sign Up/In

Design URLs:

Quantum Portal Explorer V1.5 EXTERNAL

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is Pioneering Interoperability 2.0 — a new era of interconnected blockchains. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.