Monthly Development Report | May 2024

Nick Odio
Published in
11 min readJun 11, 2024


Last month, the team successfully launched a major update to MultiSwap into production. This new version introduces a host of new features, including the addition of new networks, same-network swaps, a Fee Manager, and the MultiSwap Explorer. These enhancements significantly improve the platform’s functionality and user experience, making MultiSwap more versatile and efficient for its users.

On the Mainnet front, the team made substantial progress in enabling production quantum portal access to the Bitcoin network. Additionally, they continued developing the BTFD network and prepared two new testnets, Ghostnet and Edgenet, for public use.

A Quick Summary of Dev WIP

  1. Mainnet Development
    a. Runes integration COMPLETE
  2. MultiSwap
    a. Same network swaps COMPLETE
    b. CCTP integration COMPLETE
    c. MultiSwap update COMPLETE
    d. Fee Manager COMPLETE
    e. MultiSwap Analytics COMPLETE
    f. Audit IN PROGRESS
    g. Omni Chain Liquidity DEV
  3. Design
    a. MultiSwap update COMPLETE
    b. Crucible update COMPLETE


Last month, the mainnet team built two testnets to demo BTFD to external developers and community. They also built a ghostnet that uses a local Bitcoin regtest network and edgenet that uses live Bitcoin network. Both testnets are available for developers to experiment and build applications on. The next focus is to add more features to both testnets like the support for Runes/Ordinals and other protocols.


We are delighted to share the latest updates and achievements at MultiSwap over the past month. Our team has been working diligently to bring you a more versatile, efficient, and user-friendly decentralized trading platform. Here’s a detailed look at our recent progress:

Expansion of Supported Networks: Scroll, Base, and ZySync
We are excited to announce that MultiSwap now supports three new networks: Scroll, Base, and ZySync. This expansion provides users with more options for swapping their assets and accessing new markets. By adding these networks, we continue to enhance the flexibility and reach of the MultiSwap platform.

Fee Manager Implementation: Platform Fee on Each Swap
We have successfully implemented the fee manager, which introduces a platform fee on each swap. This feature ensures that MultiSwap remains sustainable and continues to provide top-notch services to our users. The fees collected will be used to maintain and improve the platform, ensuring a better trading experience for everyone.

Referral Engine: Enjoy Discounts on Platform Fees
To foster community engagement and reward our users, we have launched a referral engine. This feature allows users to create referral links that their communities can use to enjoy discounts on platform fees for each swap. By sharing these links, users can benefit from reduced fees while helping to grow the MultiSwap community.

Same Network Swaps: Streamlining the Trading Process
We are pleased to announce that same network swaps are now enabled on MultiSwap. This feature allows users to swap tokens within the same network directly on our platform, eliminating the need to use multiple other platforms. This enhancement simplifies the trading process and makes MultiSwap a one-stop solution for your swapping needs.

CCTP Integration: Larger Swaps with Less Slippage
With the integration of the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP), users can now conduct larger amount swaps with less slippage. This improvement enhances liquidity and provides better quotations for large fund transfers, making MultiSwap more efficient and reliable for significant transactions.

Expansion of Wallet Support: More Options for Users
We have added support for more wallets, giving users a wider range of options for managing their assets on MultiSwap. These new wallets will be enabled in the next couple of days, further enhancing the convenience and accessibility of our platform.

MultiSwap Explorer: Access to MultiSwap Analytics
We are excited to introduce the MultiSwap Explorer, a powerful tool that allows users to access MultiSwap analytics. With this feature, users can gain valuable insights into their trading activities, track performance, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive data


Introducing the New and Improved UI:
We are launching Crucible with a brand-new UI designed to elevate your experience. This update brings a fresh, modern look to the platform, enhancing both aesthetics and functionality. The new UI is not just about visual appeal; it fundamentally improves the way you interact with Crucible.

Improved Flow and User Experience:
The updated UI has been meticulously designed to improve the overall flow and user experience. Here are some key enhancements you can expect:

  • Streamlined Navigation: The new layout makes it easier to find and access the features you need, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Improved accessibility features ensure that Crucible is user-friendly for everyone.
  • Intuitive Design: The interface is more intuitive, with clear and concise information that guides you through each step of the process.

Ordinals Passport

The Ordinals Passport is a phygital item that was first debuted at NFC Lisbon. It combines a physical element, used during the conference to drive engagement with attendees by guiding them through various activities and checkpoints, with an on-chain element on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring authenticity and traceability. Attendees who completed more activities with their passports were entered into a higher prize pool, increasing their chances of winning substantial rewards. This innovative approach fostered an atmosphere of active involvement and discovery throughout the conference.

The value of the Ordinals Passport extends beyond just activities and prizes. It provided a platform for meaningful collaboration with numerous projects within the web3 space, expanding our reach and networking opportunities. By integrating these passports, we successfully showcased some of our products and services to a targeted and engaged audience, enhancing brand visibility. Looking ahead, this approach to event engagement can significantly elevate future conferences. It makes them not just places of learning and networking, but also interactive hubs of activity and collaboration, thereby fostering deeper connections with key players in the space.

Highlights from a Few of Our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Bug fixing for same network swap
  • Swap can go from 1Inch and KyberSwap provider
  • Auth layer modification
  • Api’s created for ordinals passports random logic
  • dynamicDecimals added for cabns
  • Logic added for OutOfGas error handled during withdraw
  • CCTP flow implemented
  • New networks added
  • zkSync
  • Base
  • Scroll
  • Fee distribution converted into absolute
  • 1Inch/KyberSwap api error handling
  • Crash handled in withdrawal
  • Slack notification added for CCTP signature
  • Bug fixing, testing and deployment into production

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap audit documentation and OmniSwap

PRs for the month:

isSameNetworkSwap bug fixed by zikriya · Pull Request #392 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

router selector updates by zikriya · Pull Request #394 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

route improvements by zikriya · Pull Request #401 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

FiberRouter.json updated by zikriya · Pull Request #405 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Address converted into toLowerCase while importing for random oridinals passports key by zikriya · Pull Request #409 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

dynamicDecimals for cabns by zikriya · Pull Request #410 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Arslan Kibria

Arslan Kibria

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Code documentation
  • Flow changes implementation for price fluctuation
  • Worked on fee distribution modification
  • CCTP flow
  • KyberSwap provider implemented
  • Scroll gas job implemented
  • Absolute based changes for fee management
  • Latest call fetch logic from provider like kyberSwap/1Inch added for price fluctuation
  • Headers added for kyberSwap api’s
  • Quote api response modification for platform fee
  • Bugs fixed, testing

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap audit documentation and OmniSwap

PRs for the month:

folders added for multiswap doc by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #395 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

doc for all folders by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #396 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Changes for price fluctuation by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #404 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Fee distribution flow updated by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #406 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Design Mint, stake, unstake, unwrap, rewards and Buy screens
  • Contract allocation and approval implementation
  • Show Arbitrum and BSC networks
  • Show default network and token on minting, staking, unstaking and unwrap
  • Design Success and Error screens for minting, staking, unstaking, withdraw and unwrap
  • Change button design for mobile
  • Create custom hook to show balances of FRM and cFRM
  • Withdraw rewards fixes
  • Show withdraw amount on disabled screen
  • Design and show disabled field for Mint, Stake, Unstake and Unwrap,
  • Show FRM and cFRM balance on UI
  • Show stake fee and staked Balance on Stake Screen
  • Show Staked Balance in Unstake field
  • Show unstake fee on unstake screen
  • Show UnWrap Fee on unwrap screen
  • Discord login functionality
  • Twitter login functionality
  • Activation updating flow
  • UI Implementation

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Crucible update deployment and Quantum Portal explorer

PRs for the month: your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Worked on Ordinals passport FE & BE tasks
  • Worked Referral in MS FE & BE tasks
  • Crucible FE tasks
  • Multiswap feedbacks addressed
  • Referral api integration on MS FE
  • Updated the flow of referral generation using api
  • Fee Distribution schema updated
  • Fee Distribution api against user referral updated
  • Gateway quotation api updated for referral with wallet address info
  • Added the activations schema
  • Seeded the activations
  • Update the register api to bind the activations with each user
  • getActivations api created
  • getUser by passport Id api created
  • getUser by vrf api created
  • Api create for updating user info like email, evm address, xverse ordinal address
  • Slippage design and flow updated for MS FE
  • Error component created for error handling and their position in the layout
  • Chain swap implemented on MS FE
  • Refresh token flow implemented
  • Swap failed error message handled using the external link
  • Approval allowance and amount comparison fixed
  • Platform fee design implemented
  • Import token func implemented
  • Dialog close on click outside the dialog func implemented
  • Close the menu on clicking the outside of it func implemented
  • wallet connect configured

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Crucible mobile updates

PRs for the month: your Github account

referral bind with user and fee distribution updated by MHaris-Ferrum · Pull Request #408 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account

Salman Haider

Salman Haider

Team: Development, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • MultiSwap production launch
  • Development of Fee Manager and Referral Contracts
  • Finalized Implementation of CCTP for bigger cross chain swaps
  • Worked on the MultiSwap contracts documentation
  • Worked majorily on deployment contracts on new networks & Integrations
  • Chainlink VRF Contract development, Integration
  • Chainlink Random VRF generation & picking the winner among the final VRFs / Passport IDs
  • Launching MultiSwap update & Support

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Integration of Stargate with MultiSwap

PRs for the month:

Circle CCTP in FiberRouter’s Foundry Swap & Withdraw Functions by salmanferrum · Pull Request #48 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap

CCTP Finalisation by salmanferrum · Pull Request #49 · ferrumnet/MultiSwap your Github account your Github account

Lukmaan Kolia

Lukmaan Kolia

Team: Development, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Initial smart contract implementation of Fee Manager smart contract
  • Smart contract implementation + docs for Omni Router
  • General debugging during backend integration of updated contracts
  • Initial backend APIs for Ordinals Passport

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • OmniSwap & Stargate integration

PRs for the month:

Fee and cctp by lukmaan-ferrum · Pull Request #5 · lukmaan-ferrum/MultiSwap

Omnirouter by lukmaan-ferrum · Pull Request #8 · lukmaan-ferrum/MultiSwap your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account your Github account



Team: Development, Mainnet

Items worked on this month:

  • Built two testnets to demo BTFD to external developers and community
  • Built ghostnet that uses a local bitcoin regtest network
  • Built edgenet that uses live bitcoin network

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Add more features to both testnets like the support for Runes/Ordinals and other protocols

David Scandroli

David Scandroli

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

MultiSwap Update

  • Flow update
  • Design fixes

Crucible Update

  • Flow Update
  • Design Update

Design URLs:

MultiSwap Design Update (EXTERNAL)

Crucible Design Update EXTERNAL

Crucible Design Update EXTERNAL

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is Pioneering Interoperability 2.0 — a new era of interconnected blockchains. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

Ferrum Network Important Links

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.