Monthly Development Report | October 2022

Taha Abbasi
Published in
11 min readNov 3, 2022


We have had an incredible start to the final quarter of 2022. Along with the key priorities from Q3, we have already launched a few products in the first month of Q4, with more on track to finish 2022 strong. As you review our monthly updates, you’ll be delighted to see that Ferrum Network, born in the bear market of 2018, continues to thrive regardless of market conditions.

Be sure to check out our commit visualizations and PRs in this update. These are new additions to our Monthly Dev Updates. The key areas of focus include the following:

WIP report by Taha Abbasi for October 2022 WIP at Ferrum Network
WIP report by Taha Abbasi for October 2022 WIP at Ferrum Network

Ferrum Network — October 2022 Dev Commit Visualization

WIP Report by Taha AbbasiFerrum Network’s October 2022 Dev Commit Visualization


Last month we mentioned that we are on track to launch our POC testnet. We are pleased to share that this work has progressed well.

Quantum Portal Explorer → MultiChain Explorer

We met with some excellent infrastructure partners at DevCon Bogota and will be working with them to deploy the necessary infrastructure solutions to power Quantum Portal explorer, and in the future, a full-fledged MultiChain explorer. An interoperable network needs an interoperable explorer. ⚡️

Quantum Portal — The first use cases

We have already deployed a multi-chain token that takes advantage of Quantum Portal infrastructure to keep track of the native state of the asset on each chain and then balances supply across networks. Many people don’t realize that CMC and CoinGecko don’t have default mechanisms to handle MultiChain supply. Our MultiChain token solution, coupled with the multichain-token-supply open-source APIs provides the perfect solution for transparent, accurate, and up-to-date token supply information. We will be making these tools public in Q4 2022 as we launch an initiative to improve the transparency and accuracy of our own supply.

Furthermore, Naiem Yeganeh and the mainnet team have been hard at work and are presenting a demo of MultiChain Staking internally to the Ferrum Product Team in the first week of November 2022. After the functional demo, there will be a feedback incorporation period, then we’ll share the demo with the community. naiem yeganeh is also preparing documentation for developers to guide them on interacting with and building on Quantum Portal powered by Ferrum Network. This will enable developers to build their own custom solutions powered by the interoperability infrastructure of Ferrum’s Quantum Portal.

Commit Visualization: Ferrum Network Runtime, Quantum Portal, Multichain Staking, and more

WIP by Taha Abbasi — October 2022 — Ferrum Network Runtime, Quantum Portal, MultiChain Staking and more


Last month we shared our work with FORGE, FIBER, and related components of MultiSwap. In our team demo today, we were able to complete a MultiChain swap successfully. Shoutout to Salman Haidar for his brilliant work with the FIBER Engine, FIBER Router, and supporting infrastructure so far.

What does this mean?

At a high level, this means we have accomplished the core functional requirement of MultiSwap i.e. conducting a MultiChain swap. If you are interested in a more detailed dive, then checkout the status of the items listed below:


FIBER Engine

FIBER Engine is the brains 🧠 behind MultiSwap. It is the main source of contact for anyone looking to do a MultiChian swap utilizing MultiSwap. FIBER Engine is responsible for Checks, Requests, and Node interaction. We have been working on FIBER Engine's development's Checks and Requests segments. Read more about the FIBER Engine here:

FIBER Router

FIBER Router is the single point of contact with the MultiSwap Fund Manager and is responsible for the movement of assets from user wallets to Dex Routers and/or to the Fund Manager and vice versa.

Thanks to the FIBER Router, no wallet or smart contract directly interacts with the Fund Manager providing additional layers of separation for any attack vectors targeting the liquidity stored in the Fund Manager.

Utilizing the FIBER Router and FIBER Engine we conducted our first MultiChain swap today. We are continuing our work to optimize the initial version of MultiSwap and it’s supporting components. Read more about FIBER Router in the link below and make sure to checkout our commit visualization for this section as well.

Fund Manager

Fund Manager is the smart contract responsible for liquidity management, the configuration of Foundry Assets, and bridging settlement. Thanks to the FIBER Router, the Fund Manager does not need to interact directly with any external wallet or DEX router contract, adding additional layers of security to the MultiSwap architecture.

The MultiChain swap conducted in our demo today, utilized Fund Manager’s liquidity management, as well as bridging and settlement functionalities. These need to be developed further before the alpha release. We will be working on the Fund Manager along with the rest of the MultiSwap infrastructure throughout November.

COSMWASM MultiSwap Integration

Our work with COSMWASM contracts for MultiSwap is going well Jun Kai has been hard at work integrating the EVM infrastructure, such as FIBER Engine, FIBER Router, and Fund Manager over on COSMWASM. In our demo today, we went over liquidity management and signer configuration. Our next goal will be to focus on a MultiChain Swap from an EVM network to a Cosmos-based network utilizing COSMWASM.

Integration Milestones

Algorand Staking — DONE

Algorand staking was previously completed and is deployed on the Algorand mainnet. If anyone is looking for Algorand staking solutions, please contact Ferrum Product consultants.

Algorand Bridge — QA FEEDBACK

We identified a few bugs during QA and are now working to resolve them before submitting the Algorand Bridge milestone for review.

Velas Staking — PENDING REVIEW

Previously we shared that we have open-sourced our staking solution on Velas and provided documentation along with demo tooling for developers to extend it. Velas team is currently reviewing it. We submitted all necessary information a few weeks ago, and are following up with the team to finalize the review so we can mark this milestone as complete.

Casper Staking — BLOCKED

We previously mentioned that Casper Staking was completed and in QA. However, when attempting to deploy the staking contract on the testnet for UI integration the RPC endpoint provided to us stopped responding. We have worked with other builders and Casper to get a new endpoint, however, the attempts to deploy a staking contract keep failing with an ambiguous error that other builders or our engineers are unable to decipher. Since the issue is related to Casper network’s handling of the request itself, we are coordinating with the Casper engineers to remove this blocker before proceeding to the next parts of the integration.

Casper Bridge — BLOCKED

The same blockers we were facing on the staking side impacted the bridge contracts as well.

Commit Visualization: Ferrum Network MultiSwap — FIBER Engine, FIBER Router, Fund Manager

Linear Release Engine & Iron Vest

We worked on these products in tandem. First, we built a modular engine capable of powering linear release products, then we built Iron Vest as the first use case powered by Ferrum Network’s Linear Release Engine. We have just completed the audit of Iron Vest and the Linear Release Engine with a 100% score from Vidma Security.

Commit Visualization: Ferrum Network’s Linear Release Engine and Iron Vest


Meet David Scandroli, the big 🧠 behind all of Ferrum Network’s design. David has been on a mission to bring aesthetic and functional beauty to Ferrum’s brand. With our branding finalized, he is now working on getting all of Ferrum’s dApps and interfaces to reflect our new sophisticated design. Check out some of his work in the highlights section below.

David Scandroli — Designer at Ferrum Network

Highlights from A Few of our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Gateway, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Removed email/password for sign in/sign up for organization member
  • Organization member can sign in/sign up using wallet address
  • Organization member can perform functionality for organizationAdmin and communityMember role
  • ApiKey encryption/decryption added for applicationUser role for Multiswap
  • Approval sign up request flow for Organization member and Super admin

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Focus on Quantum Portal Explorer and Multiswap enhancements

PRs for the month:

gateway-backend: reponse of approveContractAllocation, getSwap and getWithdrawSignedha…CLOSED
gateway-backend: response key contract is now sourceCabn.tokenContractAddress at appro…CLOSED
gateway-backend: on model of swapAndWithdrawTransactions rename those keys which have …CLOSED
gateway-backend: bug fixed at swapTransactionSummaryCLOSED
gateway-backend: DevelopCLOSED
gateway-backend: bug fixed at getToken api for communityMember. Bug was related the en…CLOSED
gateway-backend: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: smartTokenContractAddress key added on pool modelCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: filter ferrumNetworkIdentifier added at getAllNetworksAllowdOnVesting…CLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: rpcUrl is now fetching from network while creating signatureCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-backend: encrypt/decrypt of private wallet key added to generate the signatureCLOSED
quantum-portal-explorer-backend: DevelopOPEN

Talha Azeem

Talha Azeem — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Gateway, Chibi Dinos

Items worked on this month:

  • Wallet connect implementation on Chibi
  • Design updates and implementation for Chibi
  • Mobile design implementation for Chibi

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Mobile design implementation for Iron Vest
  • Enhancements & fixes for Iron Vest

PRs for the month:

chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: Feature — Walletconnect implementationCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: chibypool-cardsCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: truncate change in fieldCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: file remove changeCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: issue fixed user invalid addressCLOSED
chiby-dinos-frontend: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-frontend-temp-temp: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-frontend-temp-temp: implementation with smartcontractCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-frontend-temp-temp: DevelopCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-frontend-temp-temp: add truncate in sampleCLOSED
iron-vest-vesting-portal-frontend-temp: DevelopCLOSED

Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Gateway, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Implementation of connect to wallet API for organization admin
  • Modification on connect to wallet API for community member
  • Created network and token selection dialog in FDS (Ferrum Design system)
  • Created the swap page footer card to display network info in FDS

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Multiswap design implementation

PRs for the month:

gateway-frontend: //github Organization admin auth fix
gateway-frontend: //github isFromOrganizationAdminPath condition added
gateway-frontend: //github home route fix
gateway-frontend: //github Merge pull request #1 from MHaris-Ferrum/feature/org-admin Feature/org admin
gateway-frontend: //github remove variables for security
gateway-frontend: //github multiswap integration with latest foundry
gateway-frontend: //github minor changes

Naiem Yeganeh

naiem yeganeh — Founder at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Mainnet

Items worked on this month:

  • Started working on a closed version of testnet internally
  • A few cross chain applications were developed for demonstration and we started documenting the quantum portal SDK for developers

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Finish reading the closed version is testnet and have documentation ready for developers to start building test applications

PRs for the month:

ferrum-x-network-elio: Add authorization in runtimeCLOSED

Salman Haider

Salman Haider — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Integrations — Algorand, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Algorand Mainnet Re-Deployment & Fixes
  • Multiswap Foundry & Refinery Assets
  • Multiswap FiberRouter & FundManager
  • Multiswap FiberEngine

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Multiswap Testing
  • Multiswap ionic Swap

PRs for the month:

MultiSwap: FACCheckCLOSED

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Integrations, Gateway — Algorand

Items worked on this month:

  • Created RPC Calls for the Algorand Bridge
  • Deployed the Algorand Bridge Frontend for Testnet
  • Connected the new Algorand Bridge Staging Backend with the Frontend
  • Added the Algorand Bridge Mainnet Scripts in the Frontend
  • Configuration for the new Mainnet Contract Addresses in Algorand Bridge Backend & Algorand Bridge Frontend

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap design updates and integration

PRs for the month:

Cross-Chain-Token-Bridge: //github Algorand bridge with monorepo

Cross-Chain-Token-Bridge: //github Merge pull request #27 from AbdulAhadArain/feature/algorand-sdk Feature/algorand sdk

ferrum-gateway: //github created commands for algorand

ferrum-gateway: //github Merge pull request #1 from AbdulAhadArain/feature/algorand-integrate Feature/algorand integrate

ferrum-gateway: //github Add script URL

ferrum-gateway: //github fix parser config

ferrum-gateway: //github Replace Contract Addresses

ferrum-gateway: //github contract version number updated

Jun Kai

Jun Kai — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Integrations — Multiswap, Cudos

Items worked on this month:

  • Research for cosmwasm storage management and tokens management
  • Build Multiswap prototype contract on cosmwasm with bridgepool functionalities and foundry asset
  • Test multiswap functionalities via CLI (including upgradeability)
  • Review zk bridge & fiber engine document
  • Research cosmjs packages and build prototype codebase for multiswap cosmwasm side helper

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Further work on multiswap cosmwasm contract & cosmjs helper for FIBER engine

PRs for the month:

MultiSwap: Add cosmwasm interaction utility and test scriptCLOSED

Rostyslav Tyshko

Rostyslav Tyshko — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Integrations — Casper

Items worked on this month:

  • Fixed withdraw and add_reward calls for staking contract on Casper Network
  • Worked on the deployment of Mainnet

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Continue working on the Casper bridge

PRs for the month:

Ibraheem Kabir

Ibraheem Kabir — Engineer at Ferrum Network

Team: Development, Integrations, Gateway — Casper

Items worked on this month:

  • Implemented Casper client integration for staking functionality
  • Implemented gnosis safe transaction flow on Iron vest
  • Reviewed iron safe smart contract and architectural approach

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Review and R&D on architectural approach for Iron safe
  • Implement v1 of iron safe server and client side

PRs for the month:

David Scandroli

David Scandroli — Designer at Ferrum Network

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

  • Updated the Multiswap design
  • Mobile design for Iron Vest

Design URLs:

MultiSwap V1.3 External

Iron Vest V1.4 — External ( Brand: Ferrum )
Iron Vest V1.4 — Responsive External ( Brand: Ferrum )
Iron Vest V1.4 — Dashboard — External ( Brand: Ferrum )

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is ushering in the era of blockchain interoperability 2.0. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

Ferrum Network Important Links

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