Monthly Development Report | September 2023

Nick Odio
Published in
10 min readOct 11, 2023
Monthly Development Report | September 2023


The primary focus this month was on enhancing the MultiSwap application. Efforts were directed towards making crucial fixes and optimizations, with a strong emphasis on improving overall performance and user experience. The team is working diligently to reduce the time required to conduct a swap, aiming for a more efficient and seamless trading process. An exciting development includes the integration of the 1inch router with MultiSwap, which promises to broaden its capabilities and utility.

Significant progress has been made in terms of integration milestones. For Cudos, milestone 4 was successfully approved in the past month, marking significant achievement. The team is now in the final stages of working on the last milestone for Cudos integration. In parallel, for Casper, close collaboration with reviewers is ongoing to secure approvals for mainnet milestones related to both staking and the bridge.

On the Mainnet front, the team has been proactive in ensuring the readiness and reliability of the Quantum portal explorer. This involves conducting internal audits as a prelude to an external audit, a vital step in ensuring the explorer’s security and functionality. In addition, the Quantum Portal Explorer documentation received thorough internal review, resulting in improved documentation that enhances accessibility and usability for developers and users alike.

A Quick Summary of Dev WIP

  1. Mainnet Development
    a. Quantum Portal Explorer internal audit COMPLETE
    b. Quantum Portal documentation improvement COMPLETE
    c. Quantum Portal Explorer External Audit IN PROGRESS
  2. MultiSwap
    a. MultiSwap Optimization DEV
    b. 1inch Integration DEV
    i. Integration of Swap API of 1inch Router Protocol
    ii. SwapAPI Response retrieval for fetching the best Quote
    iii. Integration of custom solution of 1inchRouterProtocol within the FiberRouter smart contract
    c. Node & Signing Infrastructure DEV
  3. Integration Milestones
    a. Casper Staking — Mainnet DEPLOYED REVIEW
    b. Casper BridgePool — Mainnet DEPLOYED REVIEW
    c. Cudos token deployments on multiple networks IN PROGRESS
  4. Design
    a. Leaderboard updated design
    b. Leaderboard responsive design


This month we had some major improvements informed by valuable insights gained from user interviews and an internal audit. The improvements focus on usability and dev experience on the Ferrum network, we have also revamped the documentation with an emphasis on user personas. We are conducting more rigorous testing now that we are close to launching the testnet


We are excited to provide you with an update on the progress we’ve made over the past month. Our team has been hard at work to enhance your experience on MultiSwap, and we’re thrilled to share our latest developments.

One of the significant milestones achieved this past month was the progress made in our Node & Signing infrastructure. We’re pleased to report that this foundational work has been advancing smoothly. We are now approaching the finalization of this crucial feature, and it’s expected to be completed early next month. This infrastructure will significantly improve the security and reliability of MultiSwap, ensuring a safer and more seamless experience for our users.

Our team has also dedicated substantial efforts to optimizing MultiSwap, focusing on enhancing its speed and performance. We understand the importance of providing a fast and efficient platform for decentralized exchanges, and we’re committed to delivering just that. The optimization process has been progressing well, and you can expect a more responsive and fluid trading experience on MultiSwap in the near future.

In line with our commitment to providing our users with the best possible trading options, we are excited to share that we are actively working on integrating the 1inch router into MultiSwap. This integration will bring even more liquidity and trading options to our platform, allowing you to access a wider range of assets and enjoy improved price execution. We believe that the integration of 1inch will be a significant step forward in making MultiSwap a comprehensive and versatile decentralized exchange.

COSMWASM MultiSwap Integration

The milestone 4 for integrating Cudos mainnet with MultiSwap and conducting real-time swaps to and from Cudos was marked approved and complete. The next steps are to assist Cudos team in deploying their token on multiple networks so that Cudos community can start using MultiSwap application effectively.

Crucible Whitelabeling

With this latest enhancement, Crucible can now be white labeled, allowing organizations to apply their preferred theme and colors, giving their Crucible experience a personalized touch. Our team has developed an intuitive customization interface within Crucible’s administrative settings, allowing administrators to easily configure and apply their desired theme and colors.

We were also able to successfully deploy and deliver whitelabeling for our first client in the month of September.

Integration Milestones

  1. Casper Bridge Mainnet — DEPLOYEDIN REVIEW
    a. Our bridge milestone for testnet was recently approved and now the mainnet milestone is being reviewed for acceptance
  2. Casper Staking Mainnet — DEPLOYED IN REVIEW
    a. The staking milestone for testnet was approved and the now the mainnet milestone is being reviewed for acceptance
  3. Cudos Network — DEPLOYED
    a. Integration with Cudos Mainnet COMPLETE
    b. Conduct swap with to and from multiple networks with Cudos Network COMPLETE
    c. Assist Cudos team launch tokens on multiple networks for MultiSwap IN PROGRESS

Highlights from a Few of Our Team Members

Zikriya Mushtaq

Zikriya Mushtaq

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Crucible/Gateway deployment into production
  • Staging environment setup
  • Production environment setup
  • Production configuration for jobs with respect to Crucible
  • getAllNetwork api modified to get allowed network for gateway
  • organizationWhitelabel modification for theme
  • Implement new flow for node infrastructure
  • multiswapNodeAxiosHelper modified and added API's
  • nodeConfigurations
  • swapAndWithdrawTransactions model modified
  • MultiSwap-Generation-Node
  • Repeat transaction hash should not proceed
  • Create job module added
  • Worker inside transactionJob updated
  • Auth layer added for Multiswap backend API's
  • SecurityKey API’s turned into private
  • MultiSwap-Validator-Node
  • Module implemented to fetch transaction detail form network chain
  • generator signature validation after 1 point implementation

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on MultiSwap optimization and node infrastructure

PRs for the month:

nodeConfigurations crud added for superAdmin by zikriya · Pull Request #293 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

multiswapNodeAxiosHelper.ts modified and added api’s for generator, validator and master node by zikriya · Pull Request #294 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

doSwapAndWithdraw modified and added v3 node changes by zikriya · Pull Request #295 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

swapAndWithdrawTransactions modidied and removed those keys which are not in using by zikriya · Pull Request #296 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

nodeConfigurations modified by zikriya · Pull Request #297 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

swapAndWithdrawTransactionsJob modified by zikriya · Pull Request #298 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

organizationWhiteLables modified by zikriya · Pull Request #300 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

isAllowedOnGateway filter added in getAllNetworks public api by zikriya · Pull Request #303 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

prod config by zikriya · Pull Request #307 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Arslan Kibria

Arslan Kibria

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Authentication layer added for multiswap apis
  • Authentication layers added in createJobs apis
  • CreateJob api module implemented
  • Logic added that transaction hash cannot be a proceed as duplicate
  • Creation of hash to create the validator signature
  • Authentication layers added for MultiSwap endpoints
  • Job router (createJob) turned into private
  • Validation module added for evm and non-evm
  • Job for transaction processing added for v3 flow
  • Authentication layers added for MultiSwap endpoints

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Will continue to work on MultiSwap node infrastructure (validator node, master node and MultiSwap backend) and MultiSwap improvements and optimzation

PRs for the month:

authentication layers added by ArslanKibria98 · Pull Request #309 · ferrumnet/gateway-backend

Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Navigation to respective pages according to search API response
  • Created API for info Card on backend
  • Volume Graph implemented, Total No. of Transactions, Market Cap and Market Cap change percentage in last 24 hrs., Price of FRM implemented in Info card
  • Transactions Logs Implemented
  • Studied the Ferrum Docs, Implemented the flows and reported issues to Stanly
  • Added Fields validations on Miner Stake and Faucet Pages
  • Quantum Portal Contract/Address page complete Responsiveness
  • List API calling multiple times (Resolved)
  • Connect Wallet dialog moving (Resolved)
  • Token List Modal moving (Resolved)
  • Multi-Swap Card moving (Resolved)
  • Disconnected dialog moving (Resolved)
  • Stored all tokens, networks & wallets in local storage and session storage
  • Handled the Balance limit according to user’s account max balance
  • Converted all PNG’s to SVG’s in FDS

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap frontend optimization and performance improvement

PRs for the month:

Search API all cases handled by AbdulAhadArain · Pull Request #15 · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend

Info data api added by AbdulAhadArain · Pull Request #16 · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend

Transactions Logs added by AbdulAhadArain · Pull Request #17 · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend

hardcoded hash string for logs by AbdulAhadArain · Pull Request #18 · ferrumnet/quantum-portal-explorer-backend\

Talha Azeem


Team: Development, Gateway

Items worked on this month:

  • Csv File data error change
  • Latest Alcazar changes implemented
  • Alcazar session storage with new toast errors
  • Wallet connect hide, pool name color change
  • Dedprz UI implementation

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Crucible fixes and MultiSwap optimization

PRs for the month:

Muhammad Haris

Muhammad Haris

Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Made improvement for both Ferrum and Alcazar labeling of Crucible
  • Move Crucible to Staging and Production
  • Merge develop into main
  • Update the configuration for the success screen
  • Set the default route for Ferrum and Alcazar dashboard/crucible
  • Update the dashboard card design
  • Implement the fee section design for crucible token cards
  • Map the cFRM for Arbitrum on the dashboard, mint, stake screens
  • Implement stepflow steps JSON mapping
  • Change the Connect Wallet Dialog for other Crucible
  • Update the trade logo on the success screen
  • Fix the dynamic success screen content from stepflow
  • Implement custom claim link for the claim
  • Address the space issue between logo and text on wrap and stake, unstake and unwrap
  • Implement Import token functionality in Multiswap
  • Map success screen content from stepflow
  • Map LEO icon on success screen on Crucible
  • Implement Session Storage for form data in vesting
  • Remove extra code from vesting forms file in vesting

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Crucible Fixes and Multiwap Optimization

PRs for the month:

Stanly Johnson


Team: Development, Mainnet

Items worked on this month:

  • Publish Ferrum docker images to ghcr
  • Documentation Updates
  • Internal Audit fixes

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • We will continue pushing improvements to the platform

PRs for the month:

Upload docker image to ghcr by 3ierratango · Pull Request #53 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

Update documentation by 3ierratango · Pull Request #55 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

Int audit fixes by 3ierratango · Pull Request #56 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

feat: enable eth tracing by 3ierratango · Pull Request #58 · ferrumnet/ferrum-network

Salman Haider

Salman Haider

Team: Development, Integrations — Cudos, Casper, Multiswap

Items worked on this month:

  • Cudos and Casper Documentation
  • Cudos MultiSwap CLI Commands documentation
  • Cudos MultiSwap multisig setup documentation
  • MultiSwap R&D on Improvements and Fixes
  • MultiSwap assistance for resolving msgAlreadyUsed issue
  • IronVest R&D on input of 200+ addresses
  • MultiSwap 1inch Aggregator R&D
  • MultiSwap 1inch Integration and Development

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • Focus for next month is to continue working on MultiSwap optimization and integration of 1inch

Sibghat Ullah


Team: Development, Gateway, MultiSwap

Items worked on this month:

  • Successfully finalized the extended vesting protocol, effectively addressing potential issues and meeting all specified requirements
  • Identify gas issues on Ethereum mainnet related to vesting
  • Propose a different mechanism to tackle gas problem on Ethereum mainnet with our Vesting
  • which include semi-decentralized and Separate pool solutions for vesting.
  • Conducted thorough testing on the newly deployed vesting contract to guarantee its reliability
  • Carried out research and development (R&D) for integrating 1inch with our protocol
  • Progressed in the integration of 1inch with our Multiswap feature
  • Developed a basic script to facilitate the integration of 1inch
  • Concluded the development of a fundamental workflow for the 1inch integration
  • Worked on several improvements to enhance the functionality of the Fiber Engine backend
  • Successfully resolved the issue related to exponential values in the Multiswap functionality

Items I’ll be working on next month:

  • MultiSwap fixes & Optimization

PRs for the month:

ironvest extended and precheck audit report fixex by SibghatUllah1997 · Pull Request #20 · ferrumnet/linear-release-engine

Dynamic foundry asset decimals on withdrawl by SibghatUllah1997 · Pull Request #105 · ferrumnet/FIBER-Engine-Backend

David Scandroli

David Scandroli

Team: Design

Items worked on this month:

  • Crucible Component update
  • Crucible flow creation

Design URLs:

Crucible UI/UX V1.5 EXTERNAL

Crucible UI/UX V1.5 EXTERNAL

Crucible UI/UX V1.5 EXTERNAL



Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.