Quantum Portal Network: Everything You Need to Know About QPN

This article takes us through the questions people may have about QPN and how it relates to Ferrum Network Mainnet.

Nick Odio
4 min readNov 16, 2023


Quantum Portal Network: Everything You Need to Know About QPN
Quantum Portal Network: Everything You Need to Know About QPN

Dear Ferrum Fam,

There’s been a lot of updates regarding our mainnet progress as of late. Therefore, we wanted to create this article to serve as a guide to understanding the differences and correlations between QPN (Quantum Portal Network) and Ferrum Network. We hope this Q&A style article will answer all of your questions about the relationship between the two.

What is Quantum Portal Network?

In short, Quantum Portal Network is to Kusama as Ferrum Network is to Polkadot. As most of you are probably already aware, Ferrum secured a Kusama parachain back in July. As Taha Abbasi brilliantly described in this article:

“Quantum Portal Network is the prototype version of Ferrum Network. All of the architecture defined for the Ferrum Network mainnet is first implemented in a prototype phase and prepared for a production-ready mainnet. Our goal in this prototype phase is to give the Web3 community access to the architectural features and infrastructure of Ferrum’s mainnet, then iterate over these features through Build, Measure, and Feedback loops.

This practice will allow us to get the features we have already created into the hands of real users, developers, builders, and project owners. It will also ensure we can refine the feature set, solutions, and architectural implementations as we launch the refined Ferrum Network mainnet on Polkadot post the next Bitcoin halving event.”

How does QPN differ from Ferrum Network and what are the synergies?

The beautiful thing about Kusama is that it allows teams to build iteratively and test their appchains in a mainnet environment. We’re hesitant to use the word testnet with QPN because it will be using the FRM token the same way that Ferrum Network will use it but QPN will serve as a stepping stone to the enterprise grade solution, Ferrum Network; or as it has been most commonly referred to — mainnet. Ferrum Network will be launched on Polkadot after we feel that QPN has served its purpose.

So essentially, these are two separate networks. However, what’s different about the approach that Ferrum is taking is that we’re looking at the Ferrum Network as the evolution of QPN as opposed to something running in parallel. Many projects in the DotSama ecosystem launched two appchains in parallel. Moonbeam and Moonriver. Acala and Karura. Astar and Shiden. These networks were serviced by different tokens and required twice the resources for developing and maintaining the network.

Contrary to the approach outlined above, both QPN and Ferrum Network will utilize FRM as the network coin. Furthermore, instead of the team splitting time between two networks, the team will optimize QPN in the incentivized testnet environment on Kusama and then migrate the infrastructure to the Ferrum Network on Polkadot.

Why should builders care about QPN?

QPN is not only a massive milestone for Ferrum but for Web3 as a whole. It signifies the first time in which developers will be able to leverage an environment that allows them to build multichain dApps! Both new and legacy teams will be able to use QPN to either make their existing dApps multichain or build entirely new multichain dApps from scratch.

As QPN migrates from Kusama to Polkadot and evolves into Ferrum Network, teams and their applications will be able to seamlessly do the same.

Why should FRM holders care?

If QPN was simply a testnet, FRM holders might not care much beyond the fact that our devs were making significant progress. However, the fact that QPN is an incentivized testnet provides significantly more reason for excitement. QPN will require both QPMs (Quantum Portal Miners) and QPVs (Quantum Portal Validators). These miners and validators will start receiving rewards based on a more scaled-back version of the Monetary Policy. The team is currently working on the mechanics of QPN’s reward structure and will be submitting a DAO proposal before the year’s end.


We hope that this article has provided some clarity into the differences and correlations between QPN and Ferrum Network. We look forward to providing more updates on mainnet as a whole over the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned to find out more how you can play a role as either a builder, QPM (miner), or QPV (validator).

About Ferrum Network

Ferrum is Pioneering Interoperability 2.0 — a new era of interconnected blockchains. Powered by a multichain messaging engine known as Quantum Portal, Ferrum Network’s mainnet will bring value, data, and functional interoperability to every chain in the industry.

Utilize Ferrum Network to build and deploy solutions on one network and instantly enable multichain functionality without the burden or technical debt that comes with managing a multichain infrastructure.

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Nick Odio

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.