Social Mining Weekly Tips and Suggestions — August 20, 2019

Ian M. Friend, Esq.
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2019

Hello Ferrum Community,

We are about one week into our Social Mining program and are thrilled with the results. We are so happy in fact, that we have decided to move the 1st distribution to tomorrow!

In this article, we provide a brief statistical update, some tips on how to increase your rewards, and some critical information on tomorrow’s distribution. Enjoy!

Weekly Stats

In the first week of social mining we have:

  1. Signed up nearly 350 users;
  2. Over 60 users deposited FRM into their designated wallet (IMPORTANT: ONLY THESE PEOPLE WILL RECEIVE ANY FRM REWARDS);
  3. Generated nearly 1000 tweets/retweets; and
  4. Generated over 250 comments and 150 threads on Reddit.

Tips and Suggestions for Maximizing Rewards

Here are some simple things you can do to increase your rewards in tomorrow’s payout:

  1. Hold a minimum of 5000 FRM. You won’t receive any reward if you aren’t a holder. Social mining is designed to reward true supporters, not flippers.
  2. Hold more FRM for longer. For reference, the top earners are not only producing and judging content, they are holding thousands of dollars worth of FRM since day one.
  3. Produce high quality content. Spammy tweets (e.g. those that mention other projects, do not explain the value proposition of Ferrum, or don’t follow the rules) will be downvoted. Whereas in-depth articles, project reviews, and YouTube videos will receive more points. Bottom line: the more time to you take on your post/article/video with more details, the more points you will receive.
  4. Focus on underlying value. Remember, we have working a product (Kudi Exchange), more in the pipeline (UniFyre Wallet), reasonable valuation (1.12mil hard cap), listing on quality exchanges (, Binance DEX), and a token tied to the value of the products (burns with each TX). Put yourself in the shoes of an investor and ask — does this post add value to my investment?
  5. Create your own original content. We have a lot of materials for inspiration, but it is always better to create your own new content rather than just lift something from the website or whitepaper.
  6. Don’t maliciously downvote. We want to keep the atmosphere positive, plus downvoting will not move you up the leaderboard. Objectively bad content is one thing, but it’s better to improve the overall quality by following the above tips rather than downvoting others. We reserve the right to remove users if we see excessive and unjustified downvoting.
  7. Multiple memes/GIFs should be combined in one post. Memes/GIFs are great, but instead of posting one at a time, upload more at once. This will increase overall value and points.
  8. Keep it timely. With developments happening all the time, it is better to focus on the new information, like yesterday’s Binance DEX approval, for example.
Low Quality Tweets

The underlying theme is this: don’t post for the sake of posting. Post because it brings value and positive exposure to Ferrum and your investment. If you take this approach, your content will be rewarded and we will all succeed.

Tomorrow’s Distribution!

We have decided to move up the 1st distribution by one week! This means that tomorrow we will be distributing 63,792 FRM to the qualifying participants!

As of now those rewards will be distributed among 61 people, so if you want to get some FRM, we recommend you start holding at least 12 hours prior to the distribution.

The distribution will occur on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, at 15:00 GMT.

In addition, we will do a second distribution in exactly 1 week from tomorrow before we move to the bi-monthly structure.

Goals for This Week

With the distribution coming, there is a nice opportunity for content around how much FRM you received, your experience with the platform, and how it is bringing value to Ferrum. You can get creative with infographics or other fun content!

Shout Outs

Please welcome Benjamin Mazur, our new Social Mining Guide. He will help maximize the impact of the platform and will be present in the Ferrum Network chat to help answer any questions.

What’s Next

Aside from tomorrow’s distribution, we will publish similar article about next week’s suggested activities, so please stay tuned, and remember to sign up and deposit a minimum of 5000 FRM to start earning today!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team




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Ian M. Friend, Esq.

Co-Founder, COO and General Counsel at Ferrum Network — a fast interconnectivity network for decentralized cross-chain financial applications