Introducing feta’s Avatar API and SDK

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4 min readMay 2, 2023

Developer tooling for integrating NFTs into virtual worlds and enabling digital assets as 3D avatars

feta introduces intuitive APIs and SDKs with pre-built tools and frameworks that streamline the development process to maintain digital assets, thus fostering innovation and productivity within the blockchain industry.

feta’s API and SDK allows the immersive realms of NFTs and Unity-powered virtual environments to collide. Game developers and metaverse architects can now effortlessly weave NFT-based avatars into their digital domains, providing users with a fluid and immersive experience as they engage with their fully customizable 3D personas.

feta’s API and SDK cater to the need for flexibility, accessibility, customization, and scalability in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital asset creation.

Demo of the wallet connect component of the feta API + Unity SDK, enabling players to use their NFTs as in-game 3D avatars.

Creating Models for NFT Collections

Designed with token-gated, tailor-made experiences in mind, feta’s Unity SDK offers a ready-made wallet scene, allowing users to convert their NFTs into in-game avatars, and merge their digital assets with virtual worlds. We provide two distinct ways to create models for NFT collections.

  • First, collection creators can independently design their models and upload them directly to our API, maintaining full control over their vision.
  • Alternatively, we also offer a complete end-to-end solution, where our expert team takes charge of creating and generating the entire array of models for your NFT project, ensuring a polished and professional final product.

The Avatar SDK: Customizing In-Game Avatars

The Avatar SDK allows users to create, customize, and personalize their 3D avatars, incorporating NFTs and other digital assets as essential elements of their digital identity. Users can choose from an array of customization options such as appearance, clothing, and accessories to create their unique, personalized avatars.

Players can use their NFTs to represent their in-game avatars, showcasing their unique digital assets inside of virtual worlds. The SDK allows players to authenticate their wallets, fetch their NFTs, and use the API to load the corresponding 3D models.

Compatibility Across Virtual Environments

In an effort to promote collaboration and interoperability within the blockchain community, the feta’s API and SDK are designed to be compatible with various blockchain networks and game engines. This means that creators and developers can harness the power of feta regardless of the underlying blockchain infrastructure and eventually game engine, such as Unreal Engine or Playcanvas, thus fostering a more inclusive and accessible development ecosystem.

By utilizing the SDK, compatible virtual environments can incorporate a diverse array of interoperable models, sourced from various collections through the API. These assets, either crafted by the collections themselves or generated by feta on behalf of the NFT project, offer infinite customization possibilities.

feta also addresses the need for secure and transparent ownership of digital assets. As an application layer tool, leveraging the inherent qualities of blockchains, the API and SDK ensure the authenticity, provenance, and scarcity of digital assets within virtual worlds.

The implementation of feta’s gaming API and SDK inside of virtual worlds will prove to be crucial in fostering a seamless and thriving experience for developers and creators in the blockchain ecosystem. By streamlining processes, reducing development time, and encouraging collaboration, feta’s innovative solutions are paving the way for a brighter and more interconnected future. As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve rapidly, the role of feta’s API and SDK in driving innovation and seamless integration across various industries, including gaming and the metaverse, cannot be overstated. By empowering developers and creators with these robust tools, feta is heralding a new era of creativity and interconnectedness in the digital domain.

The feta gaming SDK has four main components:

  1. Wallet Manager: This component is responsible for handling wallet authentication, including generating challenge messages, signing messages, and verifying signatures.
  2. NFT Manager: This component is responsible for fetching and processing NFT data from the user’s wallet.
  3. Model Manager: This component is responsible for managing 3D models, including mapping token IDs to 3D models, loading 3D models from storage, and instantiating them in the game.
  4. Game Integration: This component is responsible for integrating the SDK’s functionality into the game, including prefabs for wallet connection, displaying NFTs in the user interface, and allowing players to select NFTs as avatars.

Developer and Creator Support

Education and support are additional pillars of feta’s vision. The team is dedicated to providing the comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and ongoing support to help developers and creators maximize the potential of feta’s API and SDK. This commitment to fostering a thriving community of developers not only aids in expanding the ecosystem but also ensures a consistent and quality user experience across the board.

As the platform evolves, builders will have the opportunity to integrate NFT marketplaces and other features from the feta Protocol layer, resulting in heightened user immersion and engagement. To make the most of this innovative technology, we encourage the community to explore feta’s API and SDK, paving the way for users to play around with a wide range of digital assets within the metaverse. This not only benefits creators looking to monetize their work but also allows collectors to assert their identity in the digital realm.

Join feta Protocol in building the future of interoperable digital assets!

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Enabling the future of interconnected virtual worlds.