Community Newsletter (13–17 January)
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2020


Happy New Year! Here is’s community newsletter for the week commencing 13 January 2020. Stay up to date by following us on Twitter.

Highlight of the week

Next round of the staking program announced

The lock up period of the current round of staking ends on Monday.

The first bidding phase of the new decade will be held shortly afterwards on the same day from 1pm to 4pm UTC ⏰

Participants will receive $FET rewards 💰

Remember: All FET token holders can get involved as there isn’t a minimum amount of tokens you need to hold in order to take part. Read this article for more details.

Community news

Atomic swaps: Achieving truly trustless transactions

The implementation of atomic swaps represents an exciting breakthrough. But what exactly are they?

Find out by reading our simple explanation using 🍏 + 🍊

Shout it from the rooftops’s technology has been featured in various publications this week. In addition, CTO Toby Simpson shared this article he wrote about blockchain technology. It was originally published in London business newspaper CityAM.

Upcoming events

City Futurescapes — How digital tech is changing London (London, 24 January)

Our head of business development Maria Minaricova will feature on a panel analysing how blockchain technology can shape the development of smart cities. Hosted by the London South Bank University, Maria will be discussing how new innovations can help us to collectively tackle challenges and seize opportunities to enhance London, and cities in general, in an ethical, sustainable and inclusive way. Sign up now.

Blockchain for Europe Summit (EU Parliament, Brussels, 5 February)

As one of the founding members of Blockchain for Europe, we are co-organizing and participating at this summit in the European Parliament. We will be joined by European policymakers and other business leaders to discuss decentralization, tokenization and the benefits blockchain technology can bring to society.

We hope you can join us at this public event too. Read the program and register now.

Technology update


This week, excluding merges, 9 authors have pushed 19 commits to the main branch and 32 commits to all branches. On the main branch, 209 files have changed and there have been 14,234 additions and 7,777 deletions. See all updates.

Bounties, hackathons and competitions

The technical bounty program

Help us improve the reliability and performance of our network. Find and report technical issues and be awarded $FET 💰


🔍 Find a technical issue in’s GitHub ledger repository
📫 Report it as an issue on GitHub
🛠️ Additional award for a fix

Award structure

Critical: $10,000 in FET
Major: $6,000 in FET
Medium: $2,500 in FET
Low: $800 in FET

More bounties are coming soon involving autonomous agents, mobile applications and much more — watch this space!

Join our developer Slack channel and find information on our bounties and hackathons on our community website.

Thanks for reading our update. Join the conversation with the rest of our community on Telegram. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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