Community Newsletter (13–24 July)
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2020


Here is’s community newsletter for the two weeks commencing 13 July 2020. Stay up to date by following us on Twitter.

Highlight of the fortnight unveils interoperability vision with new virtual machine

We are pleased to announce a major interoperability upgrade, allowing our technology to be delivered across multiple blockchain platforms 🚀

Version 2.0 of the mainnet will be interoperable with the Cosmos Hub and other chains such as Ethereum via Cosmos’ IBC bridge.

Community news reveals new autonomous supply chain demo

Our latest use case showcases autonomous supply chains using agents.

We’ve collaborated with the Institute for Manufacturing and the Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory research group at Cambridge University, Pitch-In IoT, Alexandra Brintrup and Liming Xu to show how wholesalers can monitor storage conditions in real-time 📦🚛

On Tuesday, Alexandra gave a presentation at the Connected Everything online conference, in which she discussed how’s technology can introduce the benefits of decentralized multi-agent systems to enhance the freight industry.

Technology update

Welcome to Agentland

We’re introducing a new test network for autonomous agents called Agentland 🌎

This is a key step in enabling agents to interact with applications across all blockchains and ledgers. You can find out more about how to build your own agent in this new world by reading our how-to-guide.

Version 0.5.1 and 0.5.2 of the Agent Framework launched

These updates have included a bunch of features, including a redesigned GUI and the transition of our demos to the new Agentland test network.

To find out what else has been improved, please read the release notes in Github.

Our population of autonomous agents is growing all of the time and we are pleased to announce that over the last fortnight we have surpassed 100,000 agents operating on the network 📈

Collective learning framework launched to enable decentralized machine learning applications

We discussed the huge advantages of our collective learning framework in this article and the difference it can make in industries such as healthcare.

Our head of research Jonathan Ward has also published two blog posts outlining the power of collective learning. In the first he explains how society can benefit from the knowledge harnessed from large data sets — without giving away access to citizens’ private data.

In the second, Jonathan shares the details of how collective learning techniques will enable industries to achieve enormous improvements in efficiency without needing to rely on “Big Tech”.

Events and articles

Mobility use cases webinar

Thank you to everyone who joined Toby Simpson and Joshua Croft for the recent mobility webinar.

We really appreciated having the opportunity to share our excitement about the progress we’ve made and to answer questions from the community. We’re looking forward to holding another webinar soon, so look out for the details!

CityAM outlines the potential of our technology

We have published two more articles on our bespoke media centre on the website of respected UK business publication CityAM. The first outlines how we can optimize travel, and the second describes our upcoming commodity trading platform, Mettalex.

Developers building on discuss their work

This article, written by one of the Datarella team, includes details of how they used the network to develop a proof of concept demonstrating some of the ways parking in congested cities could be significantly improved 🚗🚗

Thanks for reading our update. We will leave you with this thought from the co-founder of Ethereum, Joe Lubin, about the coming age of autonomous agents…

If you would like to stay up to date with our latest news every week, please subscribe to our newsletter. You can also join in the conversation with the rest of our community on Telegram.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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