Fetch.ai and Cambridge University hold successful joint blockchain conference

Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2020

On Saturday 28 March, Fetch.ai held The Economics of Distributed Ledger Technology Conference in partnership with the University of Cambridge.

Scheduled to be held at the university, near Fetch.ai’s headquarters, the coronavirus pandemic unfortunately necessitated that the event was held online. Nonetheless, it was well attended, featuring speakers including representatives from Oxford University, Princeton University, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, MIT, Columbia Business School, Toulouse School of Economics, Cambridge University, Prysm Group and Yale University.

Numerous topics surrounding the theory, application and adoption of blockchain technology were discussed, including tokenization, regulation, governance and the economics of consensus mechanisms. European Commissioner Pēteris Zilgalvis of DG Connect was also one of the panellists for the final session of the day, which provided insights from practitioners operating in the DLT Space.

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