Fetch.AI — Community Newsletter (16–20 September)

Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2019


Here is Fetch.AI’s community newsletter for the week commencing 16 September. Stay up to date by following us on Twitter.

Highlight of the week

Blockchain for Europe travels to the Baltics and Finland

As a founding member of Blockchain for Europe, Fetch.AI attended a series of meetings in Finland and the Baltic region this week. The three-nation tour started in Estonia discussing blockchain and cryptoassets with the Financial Supervision Authority and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia.

Blockchain for Europe starts the three country tour in Estonia

This was followed by meeting the leaders of the Treasury, the FIN-FSA and tax authority in Finland. The tour ended in Lithuania where we met with the leaders of the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Lithuania⁦ and Blockchain Centre Vilnius.

Vice-Chair of Blockchain for Europe Dan Morgan said: “Finland’s EU presidency comes at a time when Europe is focused on how to regulate digital assets, the Lithuanian Central Bank continues to innovate in Regtech, supervision and attitudes to blockchain.”

Blockchain for Europe represents international blockchain industry players at the EU-level. The board includes chairman Kristof Van de Reck (NEM Europe) and vice-chairs Dan Morgan (Ripple), Manmeet Singh (Emurgo/Cardano) and Maria Minaricova (head of business development at Fetch.AI). The aim is to contribute to the debate by supporting European decision makers in their goal to make blockchain a success.

Upcoming events

Fetch.AI September Cambridge Meetup (20 September, Cambridge, UK)

If you missed out this summer today is another opportunity for you to meet the Fetch.AI team in Cambridge. Ask us your questions and learn how we are preparing for the launch of our mainnet later this year. Sign up now to join us at the Devonshire Arms tonight.

3rd International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology 2019 (26–27 September, Luxembourg)

Fetch.AI head of cryptography David Galindo has co-authored a paper with researchers from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China. It will be presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology 2019 (CBT’19).

This new work proposes a privacy-friendly mechanism for anonymity revocation for anonymous credentials. Such a mechanism is an essential component of the use of credential systems in the enterprise and governmental environments, since unconditional anonymity is incompatible with pursuing and sanctioning credential misuse or abuse.

Diffusion 2019 (19–20 October, Berlin, Germany)

Fetch.AI will be at Diffusion 2019, a dev con based in Factory Berlin (Gorlitzer Park) focusing on blockchain, AI and IoT on 19th and 20th October. The concept will bring together different communities that don’t often meet and work together at protocol-specific events. We are looking for all participants committed to building privacy-protecting, peer-to-peer, decentralized technologies, to join forces to grow Web3.

  • There will be CEOs, CTOs, and lead devs from some great teams and companies already attending including Cosmos, Parity, Sovrin, Agoric, IOTA, Chainlink, Enigma, Hyperledger, Ocean Protocol, DAOstack, Deutsche Telekom + lots more.
  • There will be around 350 developers involved, with prizes worth thousands of dollars
  • There will be a careers desk, multiple talks and workshops as well as networking opportunities
  • Odyssey Hackathon will be running a track
  • All food and drink will be covered

If you’d like to attend but not as a hacker, join the talks and workshops for free please use the code ‘OVdiscount’. Check it out here and get started by learning more about Fetch.AI here.

Community news

Tech Dives: Do Blockchain & AI work together?

We had a fantastic evening in London this week discussing the importance of enabling blockchain and AI technologies to connect and realize their full potential.

CTO Toby Simpson kicked off proceedings by talking about Fetch.AI’s vision for a decentralized new world. He highlighted the importance of making the most of the vast quantity of data our digital selves generate everyday by using it to inform models that can deliver insights and value in real-time.

Fetch.AI CTO Toby Simpson at Tech Dives in London this week

Toby then moderated a lively panel debate featuring:

  • Laurence Kirk, Founder of Extropy.io, a consultancy working with start-ups in the UK and overseas to develop blockchain solutions
  • David Wood, Chair of London Futurists and Board Advisor at Singularity Studio
  • Dr. Irene Lopez de Vallejo, Founding Team Member Ocean Protocol
  • Fernando Martinho, Co-Founder and CTO of Naoris, a distributed cybersecurity ecosystem that re-engineers the way cybersecurity is thought about and delivered.

The panel discussed the opportunities for blockchain and AI to disrupt different industries and the importance of using the technologies to develop a deeper level of understanding in order to deliver real value.

Arbot — a Fetch.AI-Ocean integration

Check out ArBot: a new data arbitrage tool developed by Outlier Ventures for moving datasets between the Fetch.AI and Ocean Protocol marketplaces. Find out how it enables profit-making opportunities to be identified.

Radar report

We were included in GSMA Intelligence’s latest Radar report which explored the role data hubs play in the Economy of Things. Interoperability between devices is a key outcome of Fetch.AI’s decentralized vision of the future. Read the full report here.

Technology update

  • Landed our long-running integration branch for consensus on to master in preparation for the upcoming beta mainnet release
  • Added quality of life features like allowing the Etch interpreter to process multiple files
  • Reworked several ml ops’ serialization to be more data efficient (dropout, matrix multiply, layer norm)


This week, excluding merges, 11 authors have pushed 19 commits to the main branch and 34 commits to all branches.

On the main branch, 721 files have changed and there have been 26,268 additions and 19,083 deletions. See all updates.

Bounties, hackathons and competitions

The Fetch.AI technical bounty program

Help us improve the reliability and performance of our technology by finding and reporting technical issues and be awarded FET 💰


🔍 Find a technical issue in the Fetch.AI’s GitHub ledger repository

📫 Report it as an issue on GitHub

🛠️ Additional award for a fix

Award structure

  • Critical: $10,000 in FET
  • Major: $6,000 in FET
  • Medium: $2,500 in FET
  • Low: $800 in FET

More bounties are coming soon involving autonomous agents, mobile applications and much more — watch this space!

Join our developer Slack channel and find information on our bounties and hackathons on our Community website

Thanks for reading our update. Join the conversation with the rest of our community on Telegram.

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