Fetch.AI — Community Newsletter (24–28 June)

Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2019


Here is Fetch.AI’s community newsletter for the week commencing 24 June. Stay up to date by following us on Twitter.

Highlight of the week

Jonathan Ward on the wisdom of digital crowds
Head of research Jonathan Ward spoke at CogX about how Fetch.AI are creating markets by using decentralised artificial intelligence. The event is described as the Festival of AI and Emerging Technology and is one of the industry’s leading international conferences. If you weren’t able to be there in person, here’s a recording of Jon’s presentation:

Upcoming events

Agent Hackathon 0x01; (14–28 June, Online, Worldwide)
Only a few hours left to submit your entry to our first online hackathon, which will close at 19:00 GMT today.

We invited you to imagine and build agents that help demonstrate Fetch.AI’s potential. We can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!

Agent Hackathon 0x02; (17 July, Cambridge, UK)
More information will be coming soon on our second hackathon, which is based on a hypothetical music festival. In the scenario, the festival organisers randomly allocate tickets to autonomous agents representing people attending the festival. The agents can then trade bilaterally with each other to get the best combination of tickets for the people they represent according to the individual’s preference. We challenge you to design the agents best suited to achieving this goal. More information and the opportunity to register coming soon.

Bounty program (9 July)
Our soon-to-be-shared bounty program will include both à la carte and rolling reward bounties. Get excited!

The Fetch.AI Ambassador Programme (July)
If you’re keen to be a grander part of the Fetch.AI vision, get in touch about our upcoming ambassador programme. Connect with the team, get access to goodies and news before it is publicly released, represent us and help develop our future. Plus:

  • Fly the Fetch.AI flag in development, community, vision, content and more
  • Opportunities to represent Fetch.AI at meetups and events
  • A ton of ways to earn FET tokens
  • Loads of gorgeous Fetch.AI swag 👕 ☕ 🧢

If you’re interested in becoming a Fetch.AI ambassador, email us at info@fetch.ai.

Technology update

  • We’ve been working hard this week to deliver our end of June milestone as part of our ambitious roadmap.

This week, excluding merges, 8 authors have pushed 23 commits to the main branch and 25 commits to all branches.

On the main branch, 372 files have changed and there have been 15,779 additions and 5,312 deletions. See all updates.

Community news

Fetch.AI technology and the energy industry
Read Outlier Ventures’ research report to learn how Fetch.AI technology can be used to gain insights from data to enhance the efficiency of the energy sector.

New additions to the Fetch.AI team
We welcomed intern Ashley Fraser this week and Emma Smith who joined us as a machine learning engineer.

Do you want to be part of our talented team? Visit our careers page or email us at careers@fetch.ai to find out about opportunities.

Thanks for reading our update. Join the conversation with the rest of our community on Telegram.

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