Letter from America: A New World

Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2019

Three months ago Fetch.AI decided to open its first overseas office and chose to locate it in Connecticut, on the east coast of the United States. Lead research scientist Marcin Abram shares an update on how things are going in the ‘New World’.

Car parking demo

We are developing our latest real-world demo using Fetch.AI autonomous agents. The gif below offers a glimpse into how the technology detects and shares information about the number of available parking places nearby and the location of them. First, a single camera provides live information about the number of cars in a given car park. Then, if the car park has the necessary technology installed, users of the Fetch.AI network would benefit as their Fetch.AI agent would be able to reserve a space in the car park prior to their arrival at the destination.

A camera detects the availability of a parking space

Based on historical data, a machine learning model can be trained to establish a predictive model about future occupancy of the parking spaces. This can be used to help drivers plan their journeys and to optimise the amount of money paid for a parking spot by ensuring prices correlate with the ongoing supply and demand. We will be sharing more information about how Fetch.AI will improve the mobility industry in a forthcoming video.

Tokenomics 2019

Last month, Fetch.AI attended Tokenomics 2019 in Paris. At the peer-reviewed conference, machine learning engineer Daniel Honerkamp and I presented Fetch.AI’s novel consensus mechanism. The team are now working on integrating that consensus with the ledger. The mechanism will be publicly available later this year.

Presenting at Tokenomics 2019


We were invited to talk at Rebuild+ Genesis 2019 conference in Toronto about the issues people need to consider when approaching blockchain technology.

Speaking at Rebuild+ Genesis 2019

We also took part in a discussion about governance in blockchains with representatives from many leading projects, such as AION, Ethereum and Cosmos.

Discussing governance systems in blockchains

Hack to Govern

We have established contacts with various groups in New Haven and recently took part in a hackathon hosted by the Information Society Project at Yale. The task was to design a governance framework for a hypothetical, advanced AI system that is capable of autonomous actions. We qualified for the final pitch.

The event was well organised and provided valuable feedback from a research perspective as we were able to test ideas we discussed internally in our research group.

Participating at the hackathon at Yale

We also participated in the (Im)Perfect Enforcement Conference, where we continued academic discussions with various scholars about AI and blockchain governance. It was an excellent conference and gave us the opportunity to share ideas with American scholars.

Getting involved at the (Im)Perfect Enforcement Conference


We have started interviewing the first candidates to work in the US office. Both here in New Haven and in our headquarters in Cambridge in the UK, we are always on the lookout for developers, machine learning engineers and research scientists who have expertise in fields such as economics, cryptography and multi-agent systems. If this sounds like you, please take a look at our careers page or send an email to careers@fetch.ai.




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