Re: Fetch.AI London meetup — announcing the roadmap & long term plan

Chris Atkin


The second Fetch.AI meetup session was held in Aldwych House in London yesterday.

Fetch’s Chief Technical Officer, Toby Simpson took to the stage to provide an overview of our development roadmap.

Chief Technology Officer Toby Simpson shares Fetch’s development roadmap

Summer 2018:

Autumn 2018:

Winter 2018:

By Spring next year, we aim to have far greater levels of actively deployed AEAs on the network. These will greatly contribute to the intelligence of Fetch’s digital world, which at this point will be performing at near main-net levels for the majority of the time.

Around June 2019, Fetch’s main network will go live along with our native digital currency, the Fetch Token.

Fetch’s Chief Executive, Humayun Sheikh continued the presentation by sharing his ideas on how we can use use the technology to collaborate with business for the benefit of all. Humayun emphasised the importance of economic incentivization to encourage the principle of sharing data. Put simply, it must be in the interests of individuals, companies and the AEAs working on their behalf to share data on the network.

Chief Executive Humayun Sheikh discusses Fetch’s commercial ambitions

Humayun described Fetch as “sector agnostic”, but did identify some of the industries Fetch could revolutionise. Travel, transport and logistics, retail, the automotive industry and healthcare are all hindered at present by disconnected datasets. Fetch changes this, driving down costs by dramatically improving efficiency, creating new connections and industries.

At the end of the presentation lead Artificial Economic Agent developer, Josh Croft, also joined the stage for the Q&A session. Some of the best questions are included here:

Question: Is there a danger Fetch’s broad vision will see it become a Jack of all trades but master of none?

Answer from Humayun: Fetch is introducing a model of system integration and decentralisation of artificial intelligence that is unlike any other competitor. Businesses are extremely interested in the possibilities of integrating systems as they are currently restricted by their inability to coordinate data processed by different programmes. They can clearly see how opportunities to boost efficiency would quickly emerge if data were able to cooperate. In the NHS, patients’ medical data is spread across a variety of systems, each inaccessible to the other. A health AEA on the Fetch network would enable you to share your medical history, not just with any NHS doctor, but any doctor across the world.

Question: How will Fetch protect against the risk posed by rogue AEAs?

Answer from Toby: We believe it should always be more profitable to behave well on the network. There are numerous measures in place to encourage good behaviour, such as Fetch’s ‘trolley’ token, which an AEA receives when it completes a transaction successfully. Most importantly though, the network operates using a probabilistic trust model, where unusual activity by an AEA would be immediately noted, in the same way that suspicious activity is flagged on a credit card.

Question: If successful, Fetch’s project will more than ruffle the feathers of some of the world’s largest corporations. How will you respond if they try to fight back?

Answer from Humayun: We can work together with these companies, but if they try to compete, we say bring it on!

