Supporting Developers with the launch of the Autonomous Economic Agent Registry
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3 min readSep 25, 2020

Today we are unveiling an outcome of our developer engagement initiative, to make it easier to build applications and services on top of the network.

We have developed a new Autonomous Economic Agent (AEA) registry that will allow you to build agents and participate in this new digital economy far more easily. The aim was to develop an effective “App Store” for developers that allows you to access and build agents like never before.

What are AEAs

At we build tools and infrastructure to enable a decentralized digital economy. A key component of these economies are our Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs). AEAs act independently of constant input from their owner and autonomously execute actions to achieve economic value for you.

They have the ability to conduct decentralized searches, negotiate and trade knowledge, and share predictions and value using a digital currency called the FET token We are building a constellation of agents that can connect to transportation, financial services and mobility assets, and now you can also participate in this opportunity.

Our new AEA registry

We have developed a new AEA registry that will allow you to build agents and participate in this new digital economy far more easily. You can access the new front-end registry here: The new UI was designed to make discovering AEA projects developed by the community, the most effortless and user-friendly experience possible. It allows you to find, download and publish AEA packages including entire agents, skills, connections, protocols and contracts.

Right now we have 302 components for you to use in your projects, including

  • 100 ready to go agents alongside the following for you to discover:
  • 110 skills which are the core focus of the framework’s extensibility as they implement business logic to deliver economic value for the AEA. They are self-contained capabilities that AEAs can dynamically take on board, in order to expand their effectiveness in different situations/
  • 52 connections which wrap an SDK or API and provide an interface to network, ledgers and other services.
  • 36 protocols which define agent-to-agent as well as component-to-component interactions within agents.
  • 4 contracts which wrap smart contracts for third-party decentralized ledgers. In particular, they provide wrappers around the API or ABI of a smart contract

AEAs benefits to you

This is an exciting addition to our Agent Framework and it’s just the start of how we intend on making it easier and easier to build agents quickly that do what you want. This open source toolkit will not only help data scientists and machine learning experts, but also engineers, economists and will create value for everyone.

By participating in the growing registry, you will be contributing towards 172,025 agents that have already conducted 118,995 searches and this is just the beginning.

AEA technology returns control of your life to you. You take back ownership of your personal data and benefit directly from any information that you choose to share. Unnecessary intermediaries are removed, and the associated friction costs disappear. The autonomous nature of the agents also reduces the need for constant human input. They not only complete your tasks but also return your time to you.

Our new registry makes it easier than ever before to get involved and reap these benefits, so check it out now.

If you are new to the agent space and want to learn more about and start developing AEAs, you can also check out our documentation here, or join our developer Slack, here.



Build, deploy and monetize AI apps and services.