What are you working on? Checking in with Chris Atkin

Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2019

Hi, I’m Chris, the senior marketing executive at Fetch.AI. Since I joined Fetch.AI last summer, the team has grown dramatically. Throughout this exciting time, my role has focussed on engaging with the community and sharing company updates on our website and across our social channels. In the process, the number of followers we have on Twitter and LinkedIn has increased fourfold and we now have a combined total of more than 20,000 members of our English and Chinese Telegram channels.

We’re delivering on our technical roadmap every day and this provides us with a rich seam of information to mine. In recent months we’ve launched the FET Wallet app and the Network Participation App on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. We also recently announced the development of ANVIL, an interaction framework developed by Outlier Ventures that combines our technology with that of Sovrin to allow individuals and machines to verify credentials in real-time.

The community’s passion for Fetch.AI is self-evident and it’s great to be involved with a project that so many people care about and support. We understand the frustration some of you feel when we are unable to share updates with you immediately. “Soon” is never soon enough. Negotiations regarding collaborations and partnerships must be conducted in private and unfortunately take time, but it is crucial we get them right. Rest assured, negotiations are continuously taking place and we are looking forward to announcing partnership news in the coming weeks.

One of my main tasks is to promote the content generated by our world leading team. How we do this differs according to the platform we are using. For example, the average Telegram user has a different profile to the typical audience member on LinkedIn. Our broad church of supporters includes investors, corporate partners, academics and crypto enthusiasts, to name but a few groups. In addition, we encourage developers to explore the Fetch.AI network of Autonomous Economic Agents and we have recently begun to share guides on exactly how to do that.

In order to keep the community up to date, I regularly share interviews with members of the team including CEO Humayun Sheikh and CTO Toby Simpson. I also publicise information such as the conferences the team have attended, the names of exchange platforms where FET tokens are newly listed and I oversee the production of blog posts and Medium articles where we profile the groundbreaking work of members of our team.

As a marketer, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t encourage everyone reading this to tell their friends about Fetch.AI’s unique technology. You can find out more information on our website and keep up to date with our progress by following us on the platforms below:


Furthermore, if you’d like to work with us, please visit our careers page.




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