The Moment When — Episode 02: Jeff Hilimire

Fetch Musings
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2016

I’ve known Jeff Hilimire for 6 years. He was our lead investor and advisor at PlacePunch in 2010, and he’s always been available to help Chris and I whenever we need to talk.

I’m thrilled that Jeff agreed to share his story for The Moment When. If you’re not familiar with Jeff’s work, he’s been at the forefront of digital marketing, mobile and social since starting his first agency, Spunlogic, in the late 1990s.

Jeff’s story is truly one of grit and perseverance. At one point, Jeff was $90,000 in debt with Spunlogic. I have to believe that kind of debt would cause most founders to quit and find a job to start paying off that debt.

But Jeff didn’t quit. He re-oriented his company and found a way to make it work. Listen to his complete story below.

