Vimal Selvamany
Fetch Pro
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2019


Why FETCH? The cryptocurrency scene across south east Asia has been taking a roller coaster ride for the past couple of years. Well, that’s the nature of the crypto market. Volatile. But amongst all these chaos, it gave birth to a new generation of followers or rather risk takers. One that would span across 2 or even 3 generation. Surrounded by the hype of the 2017 bitcoin “mooning”, many if them head dived into the market only to meet their fate of liquidation.

Two years later, more people have been wanting to get a piece of it but now, there is a bigger risk than liquidating their investments. Scams and frauds, at least around SEA region, are the biggest roadblock for new individuals to onboard. Technology is suppose to help and ease all ages,but with these scammers,general public are bound to fall prey.

Introducing FETCH. We did not reinvent the wheel. We are just making the ride easier. When I sat down with my now Co Founder Arravind for a cup of coffee, we realized the problem that the industry is facing to onboard a majority of the general public to the crypto space. Charts, order types, assets..these were a few roadblocks the public faced. We quickly realized based on our first hand experience with our previous clients wanting to diversify thier investment portfolio into crypto. Hence, we came up with the first white paper for FETCH. We threw away everything that was associated with the need to be “advanced” or “professional”. No more terms like stop losses, limit order or graphing tools. The public wanting to get involved in crypto just needed 2 things, how much and how to buy. Just click on your preferred assets, enter the amount you want and voila, its yours.

Buying Crypto on FETCH

Wanting to be simple does not mean with cut the corners in security. FETCH upholds all AML/CTF regulations with the local regulatory bodies, hence users are required to submit their KYC details as usual. Once in, one may buy an sell their assets ideally within 3 clicks!! With our Liquidity balancing system, your asset is delivered almost near instant. Withdraw, transfer it anytime of your liking. It is that simple.

Our aim is for the general public to be a part of the use cases of Cryptocurrencies rather than riding its volatility. So whats next? Well, im not going to indulge much on our upcoming pillars, but you may be soon paying and remitting on FETCH in the very near future. After all, crypto is indeed a technology solution for these services. As for now, what begun as a sketch on a tissue paper on a “mamak” table, is that close to becoming a reality.

Vimal Selvamany



Vimal Selvamany
Fetch Pro

CTO & Co Founder of Cryptobilis