3 Crucial Marketing Tips Every Business Needs to Survive COVID-19 (video)

Samir ElKamouny
Fetch & Funnel
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2020

Watch the video here: https://www.fetchfunnel.com/covid19-marketing-tips/


Hi, I’m Samir ElKamouny, founder of Fetch & Funnel.

While the past 6-weeks have been extremely difficult for many businesses, some continue to thrive during this crisis.

It’s NOT business as usual and we can’t carry on as such.

Instead, we need to take action and adapt, right away.

And so I decided to make this quick video, in order to share the 3 most important actions you can take — right now — to succeed during this crisis.

Before I share these 3 crucial tips, I want to mention that industry doesn’t matter.

And I’ll give you a few examples why…

Example #1

In March, at the beginning of this pandemic, we generated a 580% ROI (while scaling budgets) for an electric skateboard company (that sells a $1,600 discretionary product).

It was their biggest sales month in company history.

Example #2

We have a client in the dating industry, that saw lead costs drop by 45%…at a time when people can’t go on dates!

Example #3

We initially experienced a large drop in sales for a luxury apparel brand, only to see an aggressive 500% ROI after pivoting our approach in response to the pandemic.

Furthermore, we’re now seeing an 800% ROI for this brand since the beginning of April, selling luxury apparel into heavily quarantined cities, to professionals that love travel.

We’re generating nearly 3x more sales for this brand, in the middle of a global pandemic.

Tip #1 — Don’t cut your advertising budgets


Because internet traffic is exploding.

Facebook online shopping has increased by 32% across all markets.

And advertising is getting cheaper.

For the first time in a decade, the cost to advertise on Facebook is actually decreasing!

And your competitors are cutting budgets. They’re spending less. They’re dropping out!

If you cut your budgets now, you’re preemptively reducing sales and cashflow.

And your growth will STALL over the next two years during recovery.

Tip #2 — Change your messaging and communication, immediately.

If there’s one thing standing between you and your ability to succeed…

It’s your ability to connect with your customer’s current emotional state.

Now is the time to be REAL. To be AUTHENTIC….and GENUINE.

We all feel vulnerable and exposed. And that’s ok!

So open the door.

Peel back the curtains.

Take your customers behind the scenes, and relate to them.

Now is the time to dig deep. Really think about your customers and their current needs. Check out this post if you want to read more about this strategy.

This simple approach has achieved record-breaking returns for several of our clients.

Think about the following questions:

  • What can your business do to demonstrate you genuinely understand what your customers are going through?
  • How can your business naturally fit into the new normal?
  • What’s the best way to convey this, empathetically?
  • How can your product or service make your customers feel better?

Answer these questions and develop your own unique messaging around them.

Tip #3 — It’s not business as usual, don’t carry on as such

‘Maintaining normalcy’ is as good as remaining complacent. It’s the equivalent to taking no action at all.

And you’ll regret it in the months ahead.

It’s time to go on the offensive. So get aggressive, and attack uncertainty with clear and decisive action.


To learn more about how to advertise during a pandemic, I highly recommend reading this article:

Coronavirus Marketing: How To Advertise During a Pandemic (COVID-19)


In conclusion, the coming months are going to be tough…but extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

It’s not business as usual, so plan accordingly and take action within your business.

If you need help adapting your marketing in the age of coronavirus we should talk.

We’ve got a plan to help you succeed.

So go ahead, ask us anything. Let’s collaborate and make it through this together.

Good luck out there…and please, be safe.

Originally published at https://www.fetchfunnel.com on April 23, 2020.



Samir ElKamouny
Fetch & Funnel

Founder of Fetch & Funnel, a growth marketing agency that specializes in customer acquisition, growth marketing, and conversion rate optimization.