From Play-To-Earn to Play-And-Earn: a deep industry analysis by RealFevr

FEVR Token
Published in
7 min readMar 17, 2022

An extremely important article which we advise everyone to read until the very end. Let’s start with an overview of the current P2E games to understand why and how RealFevr plans to stand out given the present scenario:

Dear FEVR Community,

Consider this an official statement from RealFevr about the current state of the market.
We are perfectly aware of the present market sentiment when it comes to the future of P2E games. Many of you have some reservations about the longevity of this concept, and rightfully so.

Today we will address this topic and we will explain why RealFevr will NOT walk the same path nor commit the same mistakes that many failed projects, unfortunately, did. Here are the topics we will touch on throughout the present article:

  • Lack of past game experience
  • Fun and competition VS just an income source
  • Unsustainable Gamenomics
  • Pay to Win vs Free to play
  • Progressive game experience
  • NFT Marketplace Integrated
  • NFT in-game assets with utility outside the game

Lack of past game experience

The market has exploded in an unsustainable way. We have seen games being launched almost instantly by projects that were sitting at/raised enormous amounts of capital but had no proper game experience.
Many of those projects (no names will be mentioned during this article) are not around anymore, as they were not properly planned, built, or launched.

The lack of past game experience plays a determinant role in these project failures. Being fast is just not enough if the product isn’t polished. Launching a game that requires a viable economy to stand the test of time is no small task and when it comes to experience, we do fortunately stand out:

RealFevr has been created in 2015, delivering a fantasy leagues game with over 2M downloads on App Store and Play Store and more than 1M unique players. We have the know-how, we have the human resources and we have past experience that cannot be replicated by projects that are just getting started.

Fun and competition VS just an income source

Whether we like it or not, Play-To-Earn games have become money farms. People are not actually playing the game for the fun of it. Instead, they are grinding and immersing themselves in repetitive game tasks/mechanics just to earn rewards that will then be converted into money for their pockets. This doesn’t sound like a game at all. Instead, it just looks like a digital job and creates a lot of selling pressure for the token/NFTs of the project.

This is NOT our vision and we are not aligned with this type of product which is consumed with one end goal in mind: to make money (Play-To-Earn).

FEVR Battle Arena will focus on the game experience. It must be fun, it must be addictive, it must be something you would like to play even if there was no game economy at all. Only this way we will thrive.

Additionally, we will build a game economy around it but it must NOT be the only focus. That is why we are adopting the Play-AND-Earn model, leaving the P2E behind. You will play, you will have fun AND you will be able to earn while doing it. However, the earning possibility MUST NOT be the reason why you decide to play the game in the first place. This is a colossal concept shift and we proudly stand by this decision as one of the first players in the industry adopting this stance.

You can rest assured that the game economy will be sustainable, competitive, interesting, and will add a lot to the game itself. However, it will not be the only reason why this game succeeds because if it was, then we would be bound to fail.

Unsustainable Gamenomics

We have seen the “greatest” play-to-earn tokens falling and plummeting. But if the game economy was sustainable, prices would hold stronger, as the selling pressure would be converted into buying pressure (people sell the token to buy in-game items or they sell in-game items to buy more tokens: circular in-game economy). That’s what we want to (and will) build.

Major player dumpings are still occurring because the game models and the tokens are based on hype and greed. If players see the game as a money cow from the very start, the game will not be sustainable. We are aware of this and we will not make the same mistakes.

Pay-to-Win vs Free-to-play

We want to bring special attention to the concept of free-to-play. We are not naive and we understand that the more a user invests in a P2E game, the higher the chances of performing well. This is common sense and it should be that way. If you invest in the game, you should be rewarded.

However, to bring attention and reach mass adoption to the non-crypto users from the gaming industry, games must have the possibility of being played for free. Players must NOT be forced to invest money in a game they haven’t experienced yet. In other words, the free-to-play concept is what will allow new users to experience the game and decide if they want to play it for the long term or not.

Although the main FEVR Battle Arena assets are NFTs, we will have free starting “decks” for every user so that they can play the game without owning any NFT or even cryptocurrency. They will have the opportunity to earn tokens and prizes even with those free decks (but of course, the more competitive your deck is, the more you will earn). Our adoption funnel is the following:

  1. Start the game with the free cards.
  2. By winning and earning tokens, users will understand that if they invest back these tokens, they may earn more if they become better at the game.
  3. Start buying NFTs and upgrading the decks (sensation of progression).

Progressive Game Experience

Progressive game modes are very important for a healthy game ecosystem as it is a very effective method of guaranteeing that players remain engaged with the experience. As we have mentioned earlier in this article, playing to farm tokens is not an experience of progression, it is just game capitalism without the fun factor and the desire for constant improvement. FEVR Battle Arena will include multiple progressive game modes.

NFT Marketplace Integrated

Not many play-to-earn games have an NFT marketplace integrated with the game. Without an NFT marketplace for the game, the gaming tokens don’t have enough utility to sustain the selling pressure of the earnings. When the incentives to sell are higher than the incentives to buy, the economy doesn’t hold.

In RealFevr, there will be a circular economy where players from FEVR Battle Arena will use their earnings to improve as players and that's where RealFevr’s marketplace comes in. For this to be functional, the FEVR token must be a currency in the marketplace and this is something that the team is already developing.

NFT in-game assets with utility outside the game

The last topic that is very important to mention is the NFT utility. The great majority of the NFTs from P2E games have only utility as a gaming asset. At RealFevr, NFTs are fully licensed digital collectibles, and becoming gamified assets is an extra layer of utility. They are already real videos with perpetual exclusivity for NFT rights.

The RealFevr collector’s ecosystem is expanding month by month, and we are constantly working on adding layers of value. We are currently working on the:

  • Dropbooks (First Edition Dropbook already live) & rewards
  • Challenges and achievements
  • User public collections
  • Collector’s Leaderboards
  • NFT Fusion Mechanism (supply reduction and extra utility)
  • User profile experience points (XP) — a Level System

And much more…

Our vision for the future

We hope that by now no question remains about the vision we have for the project in terms of future game and utility.

We understand that, in an industry growing at the speed of light, sometimes it is hard to see many projects launching products every single day, while others take a bit longer.

However, it is not the fastest athlete that wins the marathon and we cannot stress enough the importance of having a long-term vision for a baby industry that has barely started walking. We wanted to share this vision with all of you because we want everyone to know we are attentive, we do our due diligence and we are constantly adapting.

And now that we are all on the same page, let’s write together the story of our success.

What is RealFevr?

RealFevr is a company established in 2015 in the fantasy markets with a football fantasy leagues game that currently has over 2 Million downloads on iOS and Android. With the fantasy leagues concept proven, RealFevr is now working towards being one of the NFT industry leaders by having the first-ever fully licensed Football Video NFTs Marketplace. Its NFTs will also be integrated into the FEVR Battle Arena, a new football NFT P2E game that’s currently in its alpha testing stage.

To learn more about RealFevr:

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