The FEVR Battle Arena Pre-Season Starts on January 12th!

The moment everyone has been waiting for is finally coming! The Beta version of the first football trading moments game in the world will be open to the public for the first time and ready to be played and tested during the Pre-Season stage!

FEVR Token
5 min readJan 9, 2023



In a few days, our football moments will be reborn in a completely new environment and, with it, the ultimate layer of utility will be consolidated. Everyone will be able to play FEVR Battle Arena Pre-Season, a version of the game that presents multiple game modes and an immersive overall user experience!


To start playing the Pre-Season of FEVR Battle Arena, you will have to download the game first from your browser (make sure your web3 wallet is connected to our website in order to download the game).


Once the game is downloaded, you will have to authenticate in-game with your login code. You can find that code on the following page of our website, by clicking on the “Fetch new login code” button, after connecting your wallet:



After login in with your login code, you will find yourself in the main game menu. Before entering any game mode, you will need to create your deck by clicking on “Decks”.

Each deck contains 50 moments. You may purchase moments in the RealFevr marketplace or use Grey moments (Free-to-play game assets available for everyone to use to help you get started on your FEVR Battle Arena journey). Creating hybrid decks with purchased moments and free Grey moments is also possible!

Keep in mind that some moments will have special abilities. Create your own strategy and decide which type of deck you want to create (a more defensive one, a more offensive one, or a balanced deck). You can create multiple decks and test multiple game strategies.


Once you start adding moments to your first deck, you will see the bar of your “Deck Power” progressively growing. The higher the rarity of the moments you add to your deck, the higher the Deck Power will be.


The Deck power is rated with stars (from 1 to 5), taking into account the collective attributes of the moments you chose. This will come into play to ensure you are matched up with a player of similar deck power, depending on the game mode.


Practice (PVE): Practice against artificial intelligence with the same deck power as yours and polish your decks and strategy before playing against other players. This mode will still grant you XP per game played.

Free For All (PVP): Battle against other players in a friendly match with any type of deck power. In other words, a practice mode against other players with stronger or weaker decks than yours. This mode will also grant you XP per game played.

Lisbon Arena (PVP): Battle against other players (with similar deck powers as yours) in a ticket-based mode. To enter the Lisbon Arena, you will need to purchase tickets worth 10k $FEVR, which can be purchased in-store (you will be directed to our official website to finalize the purchase and deposit the tickets in-game). The winner of each match automatically receives 19k $FEVR (as well as XP points) for each victory.

Miami Arena (PVP): Same mechanism and concept as the Lisbon Arena. However, to enter the Miami Arena, you will have to purchase the corresponding Miami tickets (which, in this case, are worth 0.03 $BNB). The purchasing and depositing process is exactly the same. The winner of each match automatically receives 0.054 $BNB (as well as XP points) for each victory.

If you want to learn more about the game please check our gitbook:


As you should be aware, this Pre-Season launch will not represent the finalized version of the game. You can definitely expect new improvements and updates from season to season, as well as continuous bug fixing and mechanics adaption/other enhancements.

FEVR Battle Arena, like every high-quality online game, will never be a completed product. For that reason, the process of improving the game, day after day, will be an endless road to perfection and that’s how it should be.

On another note, every time we bring you a new game update, you must download again FEVR Battle Arena to your browser.

We know this is not ideal and we are already working on a fix, to ensure everything can be done by updating the app. We will let you know once this fix is implemented.

Finally, FEVR Battle Arena will be a desktop game only (for now). The mobile version of the game is already being developed and is part of our list of priorities.


Once the Pre-Season starts, what’s next? The answer is EVERYTHING.

For starters, the real challenges will begin in Season 1 (with new game modes and several other elements that will be disclosed in future articles).

Secondly, there is still so much to add to FEVR Battle Arena besides new game modes: a more advanced and interesting (from the user perspective) game economy, real tournaments with prizes (and sponsorships), leaderboards, challenges, integrations with our ecosystem, benefits to strong and high ranked players… The list goes on and on. Don’t ever expect us to stop upgrading and improving FEVR Battle Arena as well as your user experience within this GameFi world we are building.

But for now, while we definitely have already several other things cooking for the game, sit tight, prepare your decks, polish your game strategies and get ready to enter the arena!

Have fun!
RealFevr Team

What is RealFevr?

RealFevr is a company established in 2015 in the fantasy markets with a football fantasy leagues game that currently has over 2 Million downloads on iOS and Android. With the fantasy leagues concept proven, RealFevr is now working towards being one of the NFT industry leaders by having the first-ever fully licensed Football Video NFTs Marketplace. Its NFTs will also be integrated into the FEVR Battle Arena, a new web3 football game (Play and Earn) that will see its Beta Stage being launched soon.

RealFevr in numbers: over 140k packs sold; over 25k NFT transactions on the Marketplace; over 1 million registered number of smart-contract transactions on the BNB blockchain; most expensive NFT bought for $91k.

To learn more about RealFevr:

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