Recycled Plastics Must Be Used For Commercial Building Now!

Jim Minns
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2020


In Sydney, by the end of next month, it has been reported that a main source of the state's recycling and processing will be shut down due to decreased demand and the banning of foreign waste into China.

So… An alternative means of processing needs to be established to address this out of control scenario.

Waste processing, especially in recycling needs to be solutions-based and not merely processing and packaging for offshore evaluation.

There are charity organisations who are using recycled plastics to create low-cost housing in developing nations. Companies like Conceptos Plasticos in Columbia and Nev House in Australia use environmentally sound methods of plastic processing to create materials that can withstand natural disasters and have longevity in structural integrity (in that it takes an estimated 500 years for plastic materials to break down!).

These companies are attempting to tick two boxes in their approach to recycling, the elimination of waste whilst solving an inherent problem of housing shortages for the needy.

Noble and justified causes.


But the issues need to go beyond simply finding a solution for the homeless.

It can address this and more.

A cultural shift needs to take place in the belief in recycled plastics as a proper and reliable source of buiulding materials. This can only be done with the production of plastic building blocks being as cost efficient and as accepted to the building industry as clay bricks and other foundational building materials.

A consensus needs to be met between these two industries, construction, and recycling — on how best to move forward to produce structures of sound environmental value in order to tackle the stockpiles of plastics to be recycled already living on our doorstep.

Cost-effective and competitive materials need to be discovered and produced.

Ideally, a plastic recycling company would also have a competitive business edge to change the perception of plastic building construction and produce its own buildings.

Having two divisions that would operate simultaneously yet independently.

Not to undercut or to be a monopoly in this space acrimoniously to the construction industry, but to create a demand that would allow the construction companies to also take action in the space.

We need these companies using these materials to construct the places where we live and work and we need them using these materials yesterday.

