The Bot: Round 4 Draft Prediction

Calvin Sun
The FFIA Media Center
2 min readJun 15, 2022


Welcome to a late edition of the Bot. There was a bug in the system this week and the Bot’s 99 cores were overworked but one. But alas, here are our overlord’s round 4 predictions.

Driver Score Trend (Disregard race #8; data not entered and so it is the same as race #7)
  1. After 8 races, the Bot decided to plot out the driver score trend since the season started. Right away, you can see that crazy brown line that went up in race 2 and then slowly dropped into oblivion. That is unfortunately Mr. Zhou. Albon (dark blue line declining from race 8–9) unfortunately is not so favoured currently either. The Bot finds him, numerically, disappointing.
  2. You might not see it clearly, but at the bottom of the chart, Russell is climbing slowly. His ascendance seems certain and the Bot foresees a singularity with the Great drivers of old in due time.
  3. While the press ragged on Ricciardo’s performance, the Bot is more optimistic about his ability. It predicts a slow and incremental improvement that the human eyes may not sense.
  4. Lastly, the Bot thinks all Ferrari-powered teams will be trending downward for the next race or two. Choose at your own risk.

