Introducing the Second Class of the AI NexusLab

ff Venture Capital
ffVC P.O.V.
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2017


This morning we’re gathering several hundred investors, entrepreneurs, technologists, corporate strategists, and academics from the artificial intelligence community, along with our partners at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering and Future Labs, to explore the impact — both current and future — of the technology in our lives.

We’re at the Future Labs AI Summit, and although we’re privileged to hear from experts at Google, the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, CB Insights,, TechCrunch, AI4ALL, Amazon, and more, what excites us most about this day is the chance to witness the beginning of the future for the startups emerging from the second cohort of the AI NexusLab.

Six months ago saw the launch of the first group of AI NexusLab companies. Each has had their share of highs and lows, but there are important success stories, goals, and metrics that have been met along their respective journeys: more partnerships with large-scale companies, growing customer bases, promising growth metrics, and some early signs of revenue. Several are in the process of raising seed rounds.

And while the first cohort of companies are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to solve business problems in marketing, customer service, financial services, and autonomous robotics, the second cohort expands into new verticals of applied artificial intelligence, including education and training, data visualization, nutrition, and health and wellness:

Bite AI uses deep learning to quantify your diet, provide nutritional breakdowns, and help you meet your health goals based on images of your food.

Bowtie is a messaging platform for small businesses to manage relationships and convert customers that would traditionally be lost—specifically tailored to each business’s brand and vertical.

SecondMind is a synchronous AI assistant for voice conversations that enables users to visualize what another person is saying in real-time.

Mt. Cleverest is an online open-education platform that uses Natural Language Processing to take any content on the web and instantly convert it into educational quizzes or trainings.

Though we can’t attempt to fully demonstrate the scale of the directional progress, product development, and both personal and professional growth from these young companies over the past four months, we’re glad that they’re able to share their stories with you today and we encourage you to reach out if you’d like to learn more.

Congratulations to the second class of the AI NexusLab!



ff Venture Capital
ffVC P.O.V.

The most engaged technology venture capital firm in New York City.