We’re doing a page builder. How original

Products by FFW
Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2017

Yeah, we came up with the unique idea of doing a page builder. Aren’t there a lot of landing page builders out there that do a great job, you’re asking…

The answer is that, yes, there certainly are. Very good ones in fact. So why is Lndr any different? Is it better? Smarter maybe? Better looking…

Many of the landing page builders today are built for users with some design knowledge; most of them require you to have at least basic understanding of visual design, layout, margins, paddings, fonts and colors. While others may require you to know how to write HTML markup, stylesheets and some brand of templating language. You might also have to worry about making your designs responsive and browser compatible.

Out of all of the design considerations, we believe that digital marketers and content creators should only be concerned with text, image and the essentials of marketing.

That’s why we’re building Lndr. The world’s simplest landing page builder.

Lndr is built around simple and beautifully designed templates, customized for your needs. And It has an inline editor with ease-of-use as its core principle.

The templates

Okay, so the templates, that you or your agency designed, can easily be imported into Lndr with the template importer. We think this is really cool! You simply design a template, compress it into a zip file, drag and drop it… and boom, import it. From there you can reuse your template as many times as you want, directly from the Lndr User Interface.

Yes. On that second design, that’s Georges St. Pierre. There’s a MMA fan among us.

When we started building Lndr we decided pretty quickly that we didn’t want to go with the approach you’ll find in many other page builders where you usually have a library from where you can pick different designed components.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Instead, we allow total freedom in how templates are designed. If you can design it and make it into HTML then it’s very easy to just… import. If you want to try you can read how to here: lndr.co/docs


But you said no design knowledge was needed? We know.. we know. We can also do it for you. Everything from designing your template with your brand, logo, font, and colors to adding it to Lndr. And still… badaboom! It’s fast, simple.. and chea.. well, not so expensive. Your focus should be on the content.

The editor

Honestly, editors! They make us a little bit tired… Most of them at least. We wanted to build an editor that didn’t. Something simple. Something that would allow you to edit your content right where you’re looking. Designing and building Lndr we try really hard to go with the Don’t-let-me-think approach. The editor, we believe, is just that. Dieter Rams was very clear when he said: Good design is as little design as possible. So, there’s nothing fancy or extraordinary about the editor — it’s just there, for you to use.

Hovering any box allows you to quickly add an image or video. You can also crop and pan images, add tags and increase legibility.

Example of inline box editor

Edit text and paragraphs.

Everything is thought into a matter of convenience and availability, ease-of-use and an already existing brand design guideline.

Instead of having multiple options for fonts, colors, sizes, margins, paddings, etc. we limit options to make it simpler for you.

Our editor is not a design tool, but primarily a content creation tool. We assume that you have a brand design guideline, and the template will constrain you to it. That means that there’s very little chance for you to create something that’s not aligned with your design guidelines. If the brand guideline says that headings must be bold and of red color, there is no option to change it to a different color.

No fuzz. Just what you need.

Buttons and links.
Same with buttons and links. Only colors from a brand guideline will be available.

Button Editor

Connecting Lndr to your content management system of choice.

One of the features of Lndr is it’s ability to connect to your CMS of choice. This allows you to publish any Lndr page to your own domain.

Let’s say you connect Lndr to your cms. Your domain is www.heyyo.com. From Lndr you just simply write your URL of choice; www.heyyo.com/coollandingpage and publish. Very simple. Lndr will also check if that specific URL is available, if not, Lndr will suggest an available URL.

As of now, we support deployment to Drupal and Wordpress.

What’s coming next

Lndr is still a very young product and we’re working hard to make it better.

Forms: In order for marketers and content producers to work with conversions, sign-ups, donations, etc. we’re focusing a lot of making forms available in Lndr in a simple manner.

You will be able to build your forms directly into the template and then set up the template directly from the User Interface.

A/B testing: We’re working on an inline A/B testing tool. But, if you wanted you could easily perform one right now. Here’s how too: Simply build two different templates, import them and then add them to Google optimize or optimizely to find out which page performs best. Not magic at all, but we want to make it easier to do than that.

Multilanguage: Also on our list is a multiple languages feature which is useful for when you run campaigns in multiple countries.

Go try Lndr now. It’s free. www.lndr.co

