Art makes the world smaller

Eliot Peper
FG Press Authors
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2015


So, this was cool. A couple of weeks ago I got a cold email from Phil Ruggiero. Phil said he had never written to an author before but he had just finished reading Version 1.0 and Power Play, loved them, and saw bestselling author Dave Eggers mentioned in Power Play (bonus points if you can find the reference!).

Dave worked with Phil’s son Ryan for years at 826 Valencia, the fantastic non-profit writing center (that Dave founded). He even wrote Ryan’s letters of reference for graduate school, where he’s now concentrating on social inequalities in education.

It’s these kinds of connections that bring true joy to my heart (and that of any other artist/maker/writer/etc.). It’s incredible that something as simple as a story can reach through space and time to link people leading entirely separate lives.

Phil ended up writing about The Uncommon Series in his first ever book review on his personal blog. I was delighted, honored, and humbled by his thoughts.

Art makes the world smaller.

Eliot Peper is the author of The Uncommon Series, the bestselling tech startup thriller trilogy. When he’s not writing, he works with entrepreneurs and investors to build new technology businesses as a drop-in-operator and adviser.



Eliot Peper
FG Press Authors

Eliot Peper is the bestselling author of eleven novels, including most recently, Foundry. He also consults on special projects.