Unlocking Value: The Crucial Role of Utility in Tokenomics

Blockchain Babe
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2024


Utility in tokens and tokenomics within the realm of cryptocurrency cannot be understated, even in this meme-focused era. Serving as a cornerstone for the viability and functionality of a blockchain ecosystem, utility refers to the practical value or purpose that a token serves within its respective network.

Utility tokens play a vital role in incentivizing desired behaviors within the ecosystem through divers mechanisms. The common denominator is that, in return for staking or holding a token, users receive rewards in the form of additional tokens, thus incentivizing participation and contribution to the network’s health and security.

While hype surrounding meme-coins continues to be prevalent in the crypto scene, projects which offer real-world use cases and are built by dedicated, professional and transparent teams, are the ones which stand to have longevity and are worth exploring as long term investments.

Types of Utility

One of the primary functions of utility in tokens is facilitating access to platform services or products. In many blockchain networks, tokens serve as the native currency that enables users to access and utilize decentralized applications (DApps) and other services within the ecosystem. These tokens act as a medium of exchange, allowing users to pay for transaction fees, purchase goods and services, or participate in governance processes.

Another common function is utility tokens which facilitate community governance and decision-making processes within decentralized networks. Token holders may have voting rights proportional to their holdings, enabling them to participate in protocol upgrades, changes to network parameters, or the allocation of community funds. This democratic governance model empowers users to have a say in the evolution of the ecosystem, fostering a sense of ownership and decentralization.

Thirdly, utility tokens can enable the creation and execution of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts can automate and enforce agreements between parties without the need for intermediaries, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency in various sectors such as finance, supply chain management, and digital identity.

In the broader context of tokenomics, utility plays a crucial role in shaping the economic dynamics of a cryptocurrency ecosystem. The demand for utility tokens is intrinsically tied to the demand for the services and products offered within the network. As usage of the platform grows and the utility of the token becomes more apparent, the value of the token may appreciate, incentivizing further adoption and participation.

Introducing F24 Tokens

The fiat accessing layer maintains a critical role in web3 infrastructure as a means of connecting smart contracts to off-chain (traditional) payment networks (i.e. SEPA, SWIFT, Card Processing). Fiat24 can be viewed as the fiat layer plug-in for those contracts, thus representing a significant component for Web3 development.

F24 is a reward tool that connects the interests of various participants in the Fiat24 ecosystem. We effectively align the interests of Fiat24 users with stakeholders, clients, partners and community participants.

The maximum supply of F24 tokens is limited to 100 million. In terms of technical implementation, F24 is an ERC20 token built on the Arbitrum blockchain. The contract address is: https://arbiscan.io/token/0x22043fddf353308b4f2e7da2e5284e4d087449e1

F24 Utility

The token exists as a utility for buying Fiat24 NFT, which represents the digital identity (also account number) of Fiat24 users.

There are two kinds of participants who need F24 token:

  • Premium & Corporate users to burn F24 tokens (from 1,500 F24 to 1,500,000 F24) to purchase premium NFTs in https://www.fiat24.com/my/premium-accounts and during the account opening process in the dApp.
  • Wallet providers to burn 1 F24 tokens (1 F24) to mint one standard NFTs for their clients

All consumed F24 tokens will be burnt directly. Therefore, when more and more users purchase these services, the circulation of F24 tokens becomes less and less, which is a deflationary model.

F24 Circulation

The maximum supply of F24 is set at 100,000,000 units. It will be distributed as follows:

  • 50% is allocated to the Fiat24 community
  • 30% is allocated to the company’s treasury
  • 20% is allocated to the founding team, company staff and early investors

The real-time distribution can be found on https://info.fiat24.com/statistics

To learn more about the tokenomics, read here.

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Blockchain Babe
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CMO at Fiat24 | Hackernoon Writer, WΞB3 Speaker