Statistics and guide for participation in Ferrum Network FAS Pre-Sales

Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Ferrum Network provides a platform for investing in early-stage crypto projects — Ferrum Advisory Service.

The FAS team selects the best projects and helps them develop, and FRM/FRMx holders can participate in the presales of those projects.

This article is not investment advice, do your own research before using or investing in any project, we only provide information and cannot be responsible for your possible loses.

Cryptocurrencies are high-risk investments for many reasons, including high volatility, intentional scam and unintentional mistakes that cannot be corrected because of the unchangeable structure of the blockchain.

Recently FAS team announced expansion and product development toward NFT

The FAS NFT Division is part of the larger Growth Strategy Division (GSD) initiative and handles NFT-related partnership projects covering artists, musicians and more!

The Growth Strategy Division (GSD) is tasked with planning, strategy, improvement and optimization across the diverse infrastructure of the Ferrum Network.

GSD’s role, plan, and strategy for improvement and optimization will continue to evolve as we discover and gather more information throughout our engagement with the organization’s various teams.

GSD will take on the following initial strategic focus areas:

  • Exciting New and Upcoming Major Ferrum Products and General Product Ecosystem at Ferrum
  • FAS NFT Division
  • FAS Incubation and IDO Post Launch FAS SWOT Team
  • Standardization and Business Growth Strategies
  • Public Speaking and Representation

The team at Ferrum’s Growth Strategy Division relates to and believes in the Ferrum mission. GSD’s goal is to help Ferrum redefine what excellence looks like in the DeFi, incubator, launchpad, and NFT ecosystems.

Learn more:

Terms of participation

To participate, you need to keep 1000+ FRM in the official Unifyre wallet. You need to install a wallet, make a deposit and bind the email, verification is not required. Several times a month the team announces a new FAS project, then the date of the wallet balance snapshots.

After snapshots of the wallet, a lottery participation form is sent to all qualified holders, and users are also notified by a separate announcement, with 36 hours to fill out the form.

Holders are required to keep the same amount of tokens in their wallet as they did during the snapshot for the entire duration of token distribution. If the wallet balance changes downwards, their eligibility to participate in the presale is revoked and the remaining amount of tokens will be refunded with a 10% penalty. This penalty allocation will be redistributed among those who, on the contrary, contribute additional tokens to the wallet during the specified period.


A lottery is held among the holders of 1,000–49,000 FRM, and the winners get the right of allocation in the upcoming presale. After a period of time, the winners of the lottery receive a participation form in the email, which is used to purchase tokens of the FAS project. You will also have 36 hours to fill presale contribution the form.

The conditions may change for each individual presale, as well as the chances of obtaining an allocation depend on the number of participants in the lottery. Additionally, for some presales, there can be additional bonuses and/or better conditions for participation. Also, the Ferrum Network team is constantly developing its product, encouraging users to hold project tokens, so the article may become outdated over time.

Guaranteed allocation

Holders of 50k FRM + 0.1 FRMx are eligible for guaranteed allocation in presales. The rules are subject to change for each individual presale.

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