Musharakah, Mudarabah and Takaful: The 3 Different Types of Financial Contracts in Islamic Finance

FIAT Financial
Fiat Exchange
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2019

The first financial contract we’ll tackle is Musharakah. Now, Musharakah is an understanding between two parties to join their advantages, work or liabilities for making benefit and can be seen as a precursor toward the Western business element. We also have Mudarabah, which is an agreement dependent to a trustee association between a capital provider (rabb al-mal) and an entrepreneur (mudarib). Under a mudarabah, advantage is shared while budgetary hardships are borne solely by the rabb al-mal, given that setbacks are not achieved. Mudarabah can be seen as a type of private speculation, where the bank offers financing to the business visionary as a final product of his work.

Both Musharak and Mudarabah are used once in a while inside the Islamic record industry, despite specialists’ desires for them to be the default inside the market. PLS contracts aren’t used normally which results to extended danger in regards to fixed-rate contracts. Perhaps the Islamic finance market could develop a boost by means of liquidity through and from blockchains.

Last but definitely not the least, The Takaful; is a Sharaiah- compliant option in contrast to conventional insurance in which a group of entries consent to deal with the wounds coming about because of explicit dangers that all parties are vulnerable to. Blockchain can be just as useful for takaful for all those who want to partake in a takaful contract which sends funds to a smart contract segregating the assets to a single insurance fund; a smart contract apportions the assets to halal investments.

There are actually numerous instances that the Islamic financial Industry could benefit from the blockchain innovation, as elucidated on the 3 different types of financial contracts. In any chance investors could totally benefit from the innovation. Moreover, there should be enhancement to the prophet frameworks and accord components for a more productive operation of the blockchain innovation. Ravishing isn’t it? If you’re interested, why not take a chance on blockchains and we’ll be here to aid you.

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