Meet Fiberplane

Micha Hernandez v L.
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2021

With all of us going remote during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has shown us that we need better tools and processes that enable distributed, synchronous and asynchronous collaboration. Products such as Framer and Figma have equipped designers to create high-fidelity prototypes and designs together, Notion helps teams organize their thoughts, whereas Pitch allows us to collaborate on great presentations.

The case for SRE collaboration

Interestingly enough, DevOps tools and services have seen little to no love from this move towards collaboration. Specifically, tools around observability and monitoring remain siloed environments with only single-player in mind.

At the same time, our infrastructure has gotten increasingly complex. The rise of Kubernetes, containers, and microservices has made it difficult to reason about downtime and incidents.

Failure is now a side-effect of infrastructure design, not a flaw, but the move towards cloud-native has made it harder for DevOps engineers and SRE’s to debug their applications and services. This is why we started Fiberplane.

The case for SRE collaboration

Outages require a lot of coordination, knowledge sharing, teamwork, and cooperation, to successfully debug downtime. Having previously built Wercker, a container-native CI/CD platform, we know firsthand what it’s like running a complex distributed system with multiple moving parts. After interviewing 35+ companies it is clear that the status quo for incident management is a mix of screenshots, log pasting, and a lot of noise in the Slack #outages channel paired with the occasional Google doc. Disparate tooling has lead to an increase in cognitive load paired with alert fatigue.
We can do better.

Reducing the delta between incident and resolution

Getting paged in the middle of the night is never A Good Time, though having actionable intelligence in one place means you’ll get back to bed faster and have less downtime.

SRE Productivity Superpowers

This is why we are creating Fiberplane Studio; collaborative notebooks for resolving incidents, purpose-built for teams. Our goal is to provide you and your team context around an incident, ready for collaborative debugging. We want to give SRE’s and DevOps engineers new superpowers to coordinate work related to downtime, whilst building up a structured knowledge base that will provide you with correlated incidents, and resolutions in the future.

Fiberplane Studio

Fiberplane Studio will integrate with existing platforms for metrics, logs, and traces such as Prometheus, Datadog, and Elastic to give you actionable insights and forensic data to respond to and resolve an incident collaboratively in real-time. We’re starting with support for Prometheus and Kubernetes-based infrastructure, but are interested in supporting more data sources soon.

Our goal is to change how DevOps engineers and SREs work together to resolve incidents, and that’s just the start. We want to redefine collaboration for infrastructure teams and put a programmable SRE environment at the fingertips of engineers everywhere.

Fiberplane Studio: purpose-built for teams

In the next month, we’ll be sending out the first invites for our private beta and onboarding teams that are interested in enhancing their SRE capabilities.

If this sounds like something that you and your team need, sign up for the Fiberplane early access program or follow us on Twitter for updates.



Micha Hernandez v L.

Distributed Systems enthusiast and engineer. Former CEO and Founder of Wercker. VP of Software Development at Oracle.