Tech Lead Ganjiguur’s interview to

Published in
Sep 23, 2020

We started the AWS User Group community a year ago to educate engineers on cloud technologies, share their experiences, and get help from each other. Now it has grown a lot and has over 2000 members. So, we organize an event for the community called Hacknight every 2 weeks where we invite an experienced engineer, and they share their experience and teach attendees new or popular technology and show demos.
Our latest event topic was Machine Learning on Cloud. This event was a little special from any other hacknight event we held because it featured engineers from AWS that overlook the central Asian region and it was an online meet-up. Tanya Naydukh, AWS Territory manager managing central Asian countries, AWS Solutions Architect Aleksandr Patrushev, and Bayartsogt.Ya, a senior software engineer at Dentsu Data Artist Mongolia gave their presentation and showed a demo to the attendees.
Our CTO Ganjiguur gave an interview to Lead Style regarding the event. He talks about the event, the community, the cloud technology, our company, and our product.

Link to the interview

