Member Profile: Maria

Fibre Lifestyle
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2017

Maria spent a few months at one of our first shared-apartments. She picked the location mostly because of its proximity to work. Late last year, before she had to move out, we had a chat to Maria about living with Fibre…

What do you do?
Maria:Currently an Operations Manager for a technology company in Nigeria.

Describe a typical day?
Maria:Funny thing, the day is never really the same so this is a difficult question.

What are you the best in the world at?
Maria:Touch typing? haha i can literally type anywhere (laptop, phone, any device really) blindfolded with ridiculous speed

How did you hear about Fibre?
Maria:Saw on Twitter i think? And then forgot about it, then a friend recommended me again! (shout out Bianca)

What’s your favourite thing about living in Lagos?
Maria:The hustle? It is inspiring to see the relentless drive to make empires out of very little resources.

What’s your least favourite thing about living in Lagos?
Maria:Traffic. I hate, hate, hate traffic.

What has your Fibre Experience been?
Maria:Awesome! I literally have zero complaints.

Thank you Maria for taking the time to talk to us. Congratulations again and we wish you the best in your new life :)

P.S: Interested in joining Fibre? Visit our website here

