How to use a Ledger Device with FIC Network

FIC Network
FIC Stories
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2018

Ledger Nano S and Ledger Blue are hardware wallets that work with numerous coins and tokens, including FIC coins. They securely store private keys on a specialized physical device, rather than a comparatively insecure hard disk. It is extremely difficult as to be effectively impossible, to extract a private key from such device. Only the people that have access to a Ledger device have any control over coins and tokens in the account. Additionally, because the private keys are stored on a separate and read-only device, they are invulnerable to computer virus attacks.

We’ve cooperated with Ledger to offer official FIC application to make the process painless, and it's completely open source in case anyone wants to verify its function or security.

Before you start

Verify you have:

  • Your initialized Ledger Device (either Blue or Nano S)
  • The latest firmware installed on you Ledger Blue or Nano S
  • Windows 7+, macOS 10.8+, Ubuntu or Debian
  • Ledger Live ready to use

Install the FIC app on your Ledger device

  1. Open the Manager in Ledger Live
  2. Connect and unlock your Ledger device
  3. If asked, allow the manager on your device by pressing the right button
  4. Find FIC Network in the app catalog
  5. Click the Install button of the app
  • An installation window appears
  • Your device will display Processing…
  • The app installation is confirmed

Install FIC Wallet

  1. Download the latest FIC Wallet. Make sure it is the latest release from our website
  2. Install the file you downloaded

Access your Accounts using FIC Wallet

  1. Open FIC Wallet.

2. Connect your ledger device to the computer and unlock it.

3. Open the FIC app on your ledger device.

4. In FIC Wallet, choose the address you want to interact with from the dropdown menu. Generally you will be using “0th account” from the drop down, but any of the addresses from the list will function as well (“0th account” is your main account matching secret on your Ledger device, the rest are derived addresses from the same secret as per BIP44 standard).

5. Click “Continue

6. On your Ledger device, double check the address and accept it by pressing the “Confirm” button (or right button, depending on which Ledger device you use) — and that’s it! You should have successfully logged in and be ready to use your coins.

Viewing your Account Balance

You will see your balance right away after you log in — in the ”Home” view. This is the precise amount of FIC your account holds.

Important! If you were an ICO participant and opted to lock your coins — you will see your coins in balance only after lock-up period runs out. In navigation, click on “ICO” and you will be able to track your coin progress there.

If you do not yet have any coins in your account, FIC Wallet will show a message: “Looks like this account is not created yet. Fund it to continue.” To transfer coins with this account you just need to receive funds on it (minimum of 400 FIC) — no other actions are required.

Send FIC from your account

  1. Assuming you have logged in to FIC Wallet with your Ledger device, click “Send” in the navigation.

2. Fill the details for the transaction under the “Send FIC” section. Mandatory fields are Recipient address and Amount of FIC.

3. Optionally you can send a memo — a text message to the recipient. If so, choose a memo type and you will be able to type it in. For general purposes, a text memo is the recommended format.

4. After all desired fields are set, press “Send”. FIC Wallet will now ask you to “Authorize Transaction” in the following dialog.

5. “Hardware wallet” is already preselected as your authorization method if you logged in with it.

6. Click on “Authorize” within this tab.

7. On your Ledger device, verify the destination address, source address, amount and all other transaction details (could include optional memo, transaction fee, network, etc.). Press confirmation button on your Ledger device if everything is correct.

8. Within seconds, you should see a summary of your transaction completed.

9. You can always double check your transactions under “History”, as it lists history of all transactions that occurred on your account.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us via mail or alternatively on our Telegram channel.



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