Fiction Addiction e-zine

Welcome to Fiction Addiction e-zine

A Pub Dedicated to Showcasing Fiction from Around the Medium Universe

Pam Reeder
Fiction Addiction e-zine


FAE Welcome Logo

Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here! Fiction Addiction e-zine is a Pub that showcases quality fiction by Medium Writers.

I admit, it’s been, and still is, a bit of a tussle trying to get this Pub set up to do what I want it to do. What is that you ask? If you’re a seasoned Pub owner you’re likely scratching your head wondering how I could make something so simple so hard. Well, I’m talented like that I guess.

As I was cruising around on Medium, I saw a Pub that said it was based on Lists so that there was no need to go through the submission process. The Pub owner merely cruised around on Medium, basically pinning what they liked to Lists set up to sort the stories they collected. I thought that was a FABULOUS idea. But then I hit a snag. Pubs can’t make Lists — only personal profiles can. So, when I got my lists all set up and my Pub made, when you clicked to the Table of Contents that has all the lists in it, clicked on one to see the list, turns out the lists look off brand because you jump from the Pub to my personal Lists. GRRRR! I was not having that. So, I told myself.

A friend of mine that I had been bouncing this idea off, took the idea in a slightly different direction and she has had a rousing success by comparison. She went the route of the native Pub set up. Somehow, I ended up in the Beta set up because I thought, well, you know, it would be “better” and have more options. Nope! It was kind of the simplified-anyone-can-do-this version and for what I wanted to do, I needed a whole lot more. So, while she got her Pub flying, looking sleek, and performing optimally, I was still floundering around like a fish out of water. Sigh….

In my defense (because excuses always make you look better, right?) I’ve had a tumultuous couple of days. Two members of my household, mate and furbaby, have had medical issues, tests, and furbaby had surgery this morning, and mate is to have surgery when they get it scheduled. Plus we had a three and a half hour road trip to go take care of some personal business at a bank. Sadly, it is in a tiny town so we didn’t even get to eat fancy or visit a book store. Just a few fast food chains, a Walmart, a post office, gas stations, tons of Churches, a car dealership, the bank, and a stretch of Route 66 running through it. Tada! That was the whole show right there. Upon return, we collected furbaby after his surgery, got him home and comfy. Then cared for cats — my husband is a cat farmer, a story for another time on the how and why of that — and by that time it was after 5 pm and I realized I hadn’t eaten anything all day. Well, I’m fluffy enough it wouldn’t hurt me to skip a meal, but I wanted the pleasant wind down of a meal with hubby, so off to dinner we went. So, setting up a Pub that should have taken only a few hours has taken two darn days and I’m no where near finished.

All I can say is, I am determined to make this work. Failure is not an option. The good thing for Medium writers once my goal is accomplish, will be that their work can be self published or even published in a different Pub and still be featured here. I just have to work out the technical difficulties.

SUCCESS! I have finally arrived on a solution and am busily populating FAE with some of my favorite fiction stories and poems. I am confident you will love them as much as I have.

~Pam Reeder, FAE Editor

Photo by Naomi Irons on Unsplash

Hope all goes well for you and yours as we track into the New Year of 2022.

#NewYear #NewThings



Pam Reeder
Fiction Addiction e-zine

Stifled wordsmith re-embracing my creativity. I like to write stories that tap into raw human emotions.