Top 7 Quotes in “A Wizard of Earthsea” by Ursula K. Le Guin

Plus the plot question no one can answer me

Savanna Rain Uland
Fiction Social Club


‘Sparrowhawk summoning Elfarran. You’ll see, looking at the eyes of the woman, that the situation is going to worsen a lot.’ (Image by Tolman Cotton, DeviantArt)

One childhood later, I finally read a classic fantasy by Ursula K. Le Guin.

So I Finally Did It

I finally read a book by the titan of American Fantasy & Science Fiction. Or, as…



Savanna Rain Uland
Fiction Social Club

Jet pilot. Traveler. Dark fantasy author. Video maker. To support my writing, use this link! https://savanna-rain-uland-author.medium (I’ll get a small portion)