Now out: Flash in the Attic: 44 Very Short Stories from Fiction Attic Press

Michelle Richmond
Fiction Attic Press
11 min readJul 12, 2016


Flash in the Attic: 44 Very Short Stories is out! Get it here.

About the Book:

Featuring 44 flash fictions under 1,000 words from new and established writers. In this volume, you’ll find stories about the complexities of love and the nuances of marriage, stories about strange worlds and impossible places, stories about slippery identities and shifting alliances, stories both political and personal. There also happens to be a surprising number of stories about crimes of one kind or another. And then there are those that, above all, make the normal seem strange or the strange seem normal.Every story is a world unto itself. Flash in the Attic 2 (the follow-up to Flash in the Attic: 33 Very Short Stories) is must-read for anyone who loves flash fiction, and and an essential companion for writers who want to pen their own flash fictions.

Contributor bios appear below. Go here to read the table of contents.

Neal Allen’s story Mayan Calendar appeared in the first Flash in the Attic anthology. He has won awards from Fiction Attic Press and Glimmer Train. He is currently completing a book on the Platonic forms. Neal lives in Lagunitas, California.

Geraldine Birch’s work has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, the Arizona Republic, and Opium Magazine. She lives near Sedona, Arizona

Neal Bonser received his MFA in creative writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. He was an associate editor for the online literary magazine, Splinter Generation. He was a general contributor at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in 2011. His work has appeared in Word Riot, The Oklahoma Review and Two Hawks Quarterly, among others. His story, “Punch Confessions,” was named runner-up in the 2010 Flatmancrooked fiction contest and was published in Mixer Publishing’s debut fiction anthology in 2011.

Stace Budzko’s essays and fiction have been published or are forthcoming in Southeast Review, New World Writing, Versal, Upstreet, Necessary Fiction, Hint Fiction, Press 53, PANK, Hobart, elimae, The Los Angeles Review, Night Train, The Collagist, Field Guide to Flash Fiction, Brevity & Echo, Flash Fiction Forward and elsewhere. Screen adaptations of his work, “How to Set a House on Fire”; “North End, 2010”; and “Why I Don’t Keep A Daily Planner” have received numerous awards and showcases. He is a writing instructor at Emmanuel College as well as Grub Street, Boston.

Agustín Cadena was born in Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, México. and currently teaches at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Essayist, fiction writer, poet and translator, Cadena has won numerous national prizes for fiction and poetry. He has published 26 books, among them collections of short fiction, essays and poetry, novels, and young adult novels, most recently La Sed de la Mariposa, 2014, and Fieras adentro, 2015. His work has been translated into English, Italian and Hungarian. The story published here is from Dibujos a Lápiz, (Penicl Sketches), 2016. Cadena blogs at

Mathieu Cailler’s work has been widely featured in national and international publications, including Epiphany, the Los Angeles Times, and The Saturday Evening Post. A graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts, he is the recipient of a Short Story America Prize for Short Fiction and a Shakespeare Award for Poetry. He is the author of Clotheslines, Shhh, and Loss Angeles, a finalist in short-story fiction for the 2016 International Book Award.

Frank Carden is the author of the novel The Prostitutes of Post Office Street, and has published more than 30 short stories.

Barry Charman is a writer living in North London. He has been published in various magazines, including Ambit, Firewords Quarterly, The Literary Hatchet and Popshot. He has had poems published online and in print, most recently in Bewildering Stories and The Linnet’s Wings. He has a blog at

Lucian Childs divides his time between Toronto, Ontario and Anchorage, Alaska. He is the winner of the 2013 Prism Review Short Story Prize and was a Peter Taylor Fellow at the 2015 Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. He is an editor of the anthology, Building Fires in the Snow, forthcoming from the University of Alaska Press. His short fiction has appeared in the literary journals Grain, Jelly Bucket, Quiddity, Sanskrit, and The Puritan, among others.

Madison H.C. is a preschool teacher and German student in Portland, OR. She is currently working on her first larger piece of fiction and focusing on her love of early childhood education at the Wild Lilac Child Development Community.

Anne Colwell is an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at the University of Delaware. She published two books of poems, Believing Their Shadows (Word Poems 2010) and Mother’s Maiden Name (Word Poems 2013) as well as a book about Elizabeth Bishop (Inscrutable Houses, University of Alabama). She received the Established Artist in Fiction Fellowship and the Established Artist in Poetry Fellowship from the Delaware State Arts Council, as well as the Mid-Atlantic Arts Fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and three Work-Study Fellowships to the Bread Loaf Writers Conference. Her chapbook, Father’s Occupation, Mother’s Maiden Name won the National Association of Press Women’s Award for Best Book of Verse.

Patricia Cosgrove comes from a small coastal town in North County Dublin. As a child, she was told that her constant tale-telling would turn her tongue black. Undeterred, she continues to make things up. This is her first piece of published fiction.

Daniel Coshnear works at a group home, teaches through UC Berkeley Extension and is author of two story collections and one novella: Jobs & Other Preoccupations (Helicon Nine 2001) winner of the Willa Cather Fiction Award; Occupy & Other Love Stories (Kelly’s Cove Press 2012) and Homesick Redux (Fiction Fix 2015). This story originally appeared online at Penduline Press.

Annie Dawid has published three books of fiction: And Darkness Was Under His Feet: Stories of a Family (Litchfield Review Press, winner of their Short Fiction Prize); Lily in the Desert (Carnegie-Mellon University Press Series in Short Fiction) and York Ferry: A Novel (Cane Hill Press). York Ferry won the 2016 fiction prize from the International Rubery Book Awards. She is the recipient of the 2013 Northern Colorado Writers Award in the Personal Essay, the 2013 New Rocky Mountain Voices Award for her short play, “Gunplay,” the 2012 Fall Flash Fiction Orlando Award from A Room of One’s Own Foundation, and the 2012 Essay Prize from the Dana Awards.

Patricia Dubrava (translator, “The Mourning of the Russian”) chaired the creative writing program at Denver School of the Arts, where she also taught Spanish. She has two books of poems and one of stories translated from the Spanish. Recent translation publications include fiction by Agustín Cadena in Café Irreal, 2013–2015 and Mexico City Lit, 2016. Her translation of a Mónica Lavín flash fiction appeared in Norton’s Flash Fiction International, 2015. Dubrava blogs at

Lila Dunlap is from New Orleans, and currently lives and works in the Hudson Valley.

Patrick Faller graduated from West Virginia University with an MFA in fiction in 2010 and teaches writing at Kent State Tuscarawas. His writing appears or is forthcoming in Inwood Indiana’s Salem Cemetery issue and at Prick of the Spindle, Souvenir Lit,, and Apeiron Review. He blogs semi-regularly at

Thaisa Frank is the critically acclaimed author of Enchantment, Heidegger’s Glasses, Sleeping in Velvet, and A Brief History of Camouflage. Thaisa has received two PEN awards and her stories have been widely-anthologized — the most recent of which are in A Dictionary of Dirty Words, Harper/Collins Reader’s Choice and Rozne Ksztatly Milocsi. She has published critical essays on writing and art and is the author of the Afterward to Viking/Penguin’s most recent edition of Voltaire. Her poetry, which she writes secretly, appears in small publications.

Moneta Goldsmith is the co-founder & editor of When in Drought, a literary journal based in Los Angeles. He eats at mostly regular mealtimes in front of his typewriter & when he is not eating he ruffles his feathers & preens for Satan.

Susie Hara’s first novel, Finder of Lost Objects (Ithuriel’s Spear Press), was a finalist for a Lambda Literary Award and winner of the 2015 International Latino Book Award for Popular Fiction.

Rebecca Harrison sneezes like Donald Duck and can be summoned by a cake signal in the sky. Her best friend is a dog who can count. Through the WoMentoring Project, she was chosen by Kirsty Logan as her mentee. Rebecca’s been nominated for Best of the Net, and was a finalist in the first Wyvern Lit flash fiction contest. Her stories can also be read at Quantum Fairy Tales, Maudlin House, Luna Station Quarterly, and elsewhere.

Tamsin Hopkins writes poetry and fiction. Her collection, Shore to Shore: River Stories, is published by Cinnamon Press.

Travis Hubbs is a Ph.D. student in English & Creative Writing at Louisiana State University, where he teaches undergraduate courses in literature, rhetoric and composition. His writing has appeared in A Cappella Zoo, Blue Lake Review, Fiction Attic Press, the Journal of Texas Women Writers, North Texas Review, Specter Magazine, and the American Literary Review blog. He holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from The University of North Texas.

Martin Jennings earned an MFA from Spalding University. His work has also appeared in Five on the Fifth, Sick Lit Magazine, and is forthcoming from MilkFist Magazine. He lives in Louisville, KY.

Jonathan Jones is a freelance writer currently living and working in Rome. He qualified in 1999 with his M.A. in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University College and in 2004 with an MRes in Humanities from Keele University. He teaches writing composition at John Cabot University in Rome.

Ksenia Lakovic is a native of Serbia and a graduate of the University of Belgrade. She also studied at UCLA, where she completed her PhD. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she is currently completing her first novel.

Nathan Alling Long’s work has appeared in over a hundred journals and anthologies, including Story Quarterly, Tin House, Glimmer Train, and Crab Orchard Review. He lives in Philadelphia and teaches at Stockton University. “Buried” is part of a fifty story collection of flash fiction seeking publication. More can be found at

A.W. Marshall’s work is published in Red Wheelbarrow, theNewerYork, The Oklahoma Review, Fiction Attic, Austin Review, Appalachian Heritage, Vestal Review and The Fiddlehead. His flash fiction piece, “The Lover” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2014. “The Crush” originally appeared in his collection of short stories, Simple Pleasures, which was published in 2015 by ELJ press. His play Pan was published in 2015 by Mead Hill. You can find him at

Gypsy Martin lives with her family in Camas, WA. Her work has been published by the Journal of Microliterature and VoiceCatcher Journal, and appears in Madroad: The Breadline Press West Coast Anthology. Gypsy was a cast member of the Portland 2015 Listen To Your Mother show, and her story expounding the indignities of homemade underwear won 4th Place, Memoir, in the 2012 Writer’s Digest Writing Competition.

Kit Maude is a translator based in Buenos Aires. He occasionally writes reviews in English for the Times Literary Supplement, and in Spanish for Otra Parte, Perfil and Clarín.

Geoffrey Miller’s fiction has been published in Ginosko Literary Journal, The Journal of Micro Literature, Ilanot and Labletter, Pank, and elsewhere. His photography has appeared most recently in Paper Tape Magazine and Weave Magazine.

Yasmin Khan Murgai’s work is influenced by the stories of her Irish mother and Pakistani father, her work as a journalist, and her home-town on the south coast of England. In 2015 she has had a play read at The Space in London, a short story published in an American print anthology, and flash-fiction published online. Yasmin recently completed her first novel “Pleasure Palace” and is seeking representation.

Sophie Nunberg graduated from the University of Chicago in 2012. She lives in San Francisco and is the Communications & Content Manager for the anti-trafficking division of the Alameda District Attorney’s office. She previously interned for McSweeney’s. In her free time she manages and edits a music blog that currently has over 350,000 followers.

Andrew O’Kelley uses an old laptop to arrange words in the best order he can manage. Having tried similar feats with photography, wood working and guitar, his results may vary. He does all this in Minnesota. His stories have appeared in Emerge Literary Journal, Eastern Iowa Review, Vines Leaves Literary Journal, Fiction Attic and BoomerLitMag.

Robert Perchan’s poetry chapbooks are Mythic Instinct Afternoon (2005 Poetry West Prize) and Overdressed to Kill (Backwaters Press, 2005 Weldon Kees Award). His poetry collection Fluid in Darkness, Frozen in Light won the 1999 Pearl Poetry Prize and was published by Pearl Editions in 2000. His prose poem novella Perchan’s Chorea: Eros and Exile (Watermark Press, Wichita, 1991) was translated into French and published by Quidam Editeurs (Meudon) in 2002. He currently resides in Busan, South Korea.

Casey Pycior earned his MFA in fiction writing at Wichita State University and his PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was awarded the Charles Johnson Fiction Prize at Crab Orchard Review, and his stories have also appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, Midwestern Gothic, Harpur Palate, Wigleaf, and Yalobusha Review, among many other places. His short story collection, The Spoils, is forthcoming from Switchgrass Books in late 2016.

Michelle Richmond (editor) is the author of four novels, including the New York Times bestseller The Year of Fog, and two story collections, including Hum, winner of the Catherine Doctorow Innovative Fiction Prize, and The Girl in the Fall-Away Dress, winner of the AWP Award for Fiction. Her new novel will be published by Ballantine in 2017, with foreign editions forthcoming in 23 languages. She is the founder of Fiction Attic Press.

Bobby Sauro’s short fiction has appeared in Connotation Press, Fiction Southeast, elimae, Burnt Bridge, Corium, Dew on the Kudzu, and Red Fez. He resides in Atlanta but can often be found at, a literary motel that houses short stories and articles about Kafka, Springsteen, sweet potato vendors and the occasional 1980’s vending machine. He once worked for a Chinese professor who knew Stalin and in a nail polish factory, but not at the same time.

Jasmine Sawers’s work has previously appeared in Artvoice, Construction, Ploughshares and PANK.

Mark Sheerin is a journalist from Brighton, UK. He covers art for, among others, Culture24, Hyperallergic and his own blog criticismism. His fiction has appeared in Litro, Metazen and Pages Of. He also runs a spoken word event in local gallery CAC.

Ellie Stewart studied English and Philosophy at the University of Leeds and her flash fiction, short stories and poetry have been published in various places online and in print. She won The Writer’s Village ‘Best Writing Award’ Winter 2012 and came runner up in the IdeasTap Editor’s Brief competition with her poem ‘Rising’. She lives in South East London and works for King’s College London.

T.D. Storm lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where in addition to writing, he freelance teaches and critiques fiction ( and He has been a finalist in multiple contests, including Black Warrior Review’s, and he is the winner of Salem College’s Reynolds Price Short Fiction Award. He has two toddlers, who, like his writing career, both inspire and frustrate him on a daily basis.

M. Kaat Toy (Katherine Toy Miller) has published a flash fiction book, Disturbed Sleep (2013), at FutureCycle Press where “Tableaux Vivants” appears, a prose poem chapbook, In a Cosmic Egg (2012), at Finishing Line Press, novel selections, short stories, creative nonfiction, and journalism. She also publishes and presents scholarly narratives on D. H. and Frieda Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, and Georgia O’Keeffe, mutual friends who lived in Taos, New Mexico, her permanent residence.

Elizabeth Varadan’s stories and flash fiction have appeared in The Rockford Review, Word Riot, Art Times, Long Story Short, Flash Me Magazine, Epiphany, Melic Review, Whim’s Place, Laughter Loaf, Banyan Review, C-Oasis, and Notes Magazine. Her middle grade mystery novel, Imogene and the Case of the Missing Pearls, was published in June, 2016 by MX Publishing. Her short story, “Kidnapped,” was published May, 2016 in the anthology, Beyond Watson. She and her husband divide their time between Sacramento, CA and Galicia, an autonomous region in Spain.

Christopher Woods is a writer, teacher and photographer who lives in Houston and Chappell Hill, Texas. He has published a novel, The Dream Patch, a prose collection, Under a Riverbed Sky, and a book of stage monologues for actors, Heart Speak. His work has appeared in The Southern Review, New England Review, New Orleans Review, Columbia, and Glimmer Train, among others. His photographs can be seen in his gallery -

Gerald Yelle’s books are The Holyoke Diaries (Future Cycle Press) Evolution for the Hell of It (Red Dashboard Press), Mark My Word and the New World Order (The Pedestrian Press) and Restaurant in Walking Distance and Everything (Cawing Crow Press).



Michelle Richmond
Fiction Attic Press

NYT bestselling author of THE MARRIAGE PACT & other novels & story collections. Write with me: Books: