100-Word Drabble Challenge

This is Nancy’s challenge. Today I love Nancy, for something she said that made me cry.

Harry Hogg
Fiction Shorts


Days — is the word of the day.

Image: Author — Days young and days old

These days I own what life I have lived; they do not own me. The lives lost; the loves gained. Days I ran in fields, climbed hills, and ran down those hills to greet the wide ocean.

I’m no longer waiting to become old, waiting to meet the next adventure, content to sit and watch grandchildren grow.

Today, with tears in your eyes, you are my happiness. You’ll come to my bedside, and we’ll be together, and I’ll say I love you and you’ll kiss me, and you’ll say you’re mad at me, and I’ll say I love you more.

To all of you, today I wish for you the recognition of the love in your lives, big and small, and may that love source be your energy in life.

Karen Schwartz, Nancy Oglesby, Katie Michaelson, Bernie Pullen, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Amy, Julia A. Keirns



Harry Hogg
Fiction Shorts

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2024