11 Random Word Drabble Challenge

We challenge you to write a 100-word fiction story

Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2024


The next day’s challenge will be posted at approximately 10 AM (CST) the day before.

Please read the rules and support your fellow challengers by reading, clapping, highlighting, and commenting.

Created by author

The word for the day is in the image above.

Supporting each other in our writing is important to building community, but …

Reading how others handle a challenge grows us in ways we can’t expect. This is by far the easiest, cheapest education we’ll ever get.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Latest Update

This is a fiction challenge.

Word counts vary, so to make it fair we use Medium’s word count.

Please make sure your story, excluding title, subtitle, and image caption, is EXACTLY 100 WORDS. To do this, highlight the story copy only and in the upper left corner, you’ll see Medium’s word count. That’s how we determine the word count.

We are getting a lot of stories that are over or under the word count. Your…



Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication