119 Random Word Drabble

Challenge 4/28

Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2024


The challenge? A complete fiction story in 100 words that includes the random word for the day.

Thanks for sharing the love by including links to other FS writers’ drabbles. You guys are awesome!

Also, include a link to either Fiction Shorts or the day’s random word post.

New Info

Do not copy other people’s writer tags! It’s a big Medium no-no. Instead, build your following from the people who read your stories and comment. Ask if they’d like to be added to your tag list. Authors with large lists have built those over time. Be respectful and ask first!

If you want to write drabbles using past words, you can find them in the navigation bar across the top of Fiction Shorts under Daily Words. I’ve got them going back to Day 20 but haven’t found the time to add 1–19 yet. :)

AI and Medium

Here is the link to Medium’s most recent stance on AI-generated content. We’ve had to ask authors who use AI images to add the ‘AI’ to their captions regardless of whether we know the application is AI. Where AI is concerned, it’s easier to be cautious than have a writer banned.



Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication