150 Random Word Drabble

Challenge 5/29

Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2024


Something new is in the air… Can you smell it? It’s wafting in from the south and is forecast to land on Friday, May 31st.

My goal for Fiction Shorts has always been to present a publication that attracts readers because of its quality, and writers because of its community.

We know 100 words are not a lot, but please tell a story that has a plot, a who, what, when, where, and why. It will help your reader connect if your character has a name. You want your readers to care. This is the challenge.

First, big thanks to the writers who consistently submit stories that are ready to go. You’re awesome!

Second, even the best mess up occasionally… This isn’t directed toward you.

Third, for writers for whom English isn’t their native language, we expect to work with you a little more. That said, many of you are amazing! I speak only English and can’t imagine doing what you do. (Tipping my hat.)

If there are misspellings and grammatical errors we will reject them without notes.

Add a link to Fiction Shorts and to another writer’s story.

If you want people to read your work, you have to read theirs. It’s that simple.

If an editor leaves a note on your story, do not delete it.



Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication