Member-only story
40 Years Later: When Girls Just Wanna Brat Summer
RWDrabble 2.0.011 | Disappearing
Today’s drabble challenge word is “disappearing”.
Today’s drabble challenge twist is to base the same story from yesterday “in the present”.
A drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
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Tammy’s daughter lifts one lethargic limb then gives up and slumps back onto the sofa.
She’s way too sigma to go out when she can get almost anything delivered 24/7.
Her smartwatch vibrates, reminding her to move. She highkey wants to outsource getting her steps done!
Pressing her earbud to pause her podcast, she uses the fingerprint sensor to access her smartphone’s banking app.
Skrrt! Her meagre funds are disappearing on the screen.
Is that because she clicked the link in that cheugy message she got yesterday?
Delulu, she ignores it and returns to TikTok to continue the brain rot.
Sigma — Successful, independent
Highkey — Extremely, definitely