84 Random Word Drabble

Challenge 3/24

Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2024


The challenge? A complete fiction story in 100 words that includes the random word for the day.

New words are posted on Fiction Shorts every morning at 10AM CST.

Just a thought

Eliminate the words, ‘and then they went’ from your vocabulary. Get your characters from one place to the other with action. It will engage your reader more than, “… at school, and then he went home to have cookies in the kitchen with his mom.” We’ll know he went home by the action. “Timmy flew through the front door, straight to the kitchen for a snickerdoodle.”


Please include a link to either Fiction Shorts or the day’s random word post. It would be super cool if you would include a link to another writer’s drabble. What a great way to say, “I loved your story!”

We know 100 words are not a lot, but make sure your story has a plot, a who, what, when, where, and why. And, it helps the reader connect if your character has a name. You want your readers to care. This is the challenge.

The word is the word. The only changes allowed are an ‘-ed’ or ‘-ing’ or an ‘s’.

Two of your tags must be Random and Drabble



Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication