Member-only story
A Clinging Darkness Envelops Me
RWDrabble 2.0.013 | Word: Disapproval
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The random word is disapproval, and the phrase ‘the blanket is too tight’ must appear in the story.
Drabbles are fiction stories that contain exactly 100 words. Because they’re so short, please let me know you were here by reading all the way to the bottom of the page.
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The blanket is too tight. Or is it the sheets? I can’t move. I’ve heard of dream paralysis, but this is ridiculous. What’s the deal?
The pain in my chest intensifies as the blanket wraps around my throat like a clinging vine. I can’t breathe.
My feet flail, but something holds them. A low growl confirms my suspicion. “Bella!” I shout, twisting my head. My Rottweiler’s disapproval is evident as her teeth clamp down tighter on the quilt.
I lunge to recapture it, sending us both tumbling to the floor. I scold her, but she is already shredding my slippers.
Thanks to Nancy Oglesby and Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. 👇👇👇