A Gallant Ride

Today’s 199 random word: muddy

Katy Lin
Fiction Shorts
1 min readJul 17, 2024


Photo by Rosie Blamey on Unsplash

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.

Please stay on the page for at least 30 seconds or more so the stories are counted as read. Please read, highlight, clap, and comment — let us know you’ve been here! Thank you!

Stephanie was exhilarated as the rodeo cowboy hoisted her up onto the black horse.

This was Stephanie’s first daring endeavor as an eight-year-old. She envisioned herself as Prince Charming gallantly riding the horse to rescue the lovely princess in the fairytales.

After a few words of instructions on how to properly handle the reins and avoid any mishaps, Stephanie strode off with her horse.

Halfway around the riding rink, a heavy stench hit her. To no avail, it was the horse plopping its lunch. Ironically, Stephanie didn’t feel glamorous anymore as they circled the path of muddy manure.



Katy Lin
Fiction Shorts

Inspiring all the goodness in life. 💌 Practicing the art of observation.