A Mother’s Rant

Sandy Maximus
Fiction Shorts
1 min readMay 3, 2024


The random word of the day is cattle.

Photo by Daniel Quiceno M on Unsplash

Drabble is a 100-word work of fiction, nothing more, nothing less. Please stay for more than 30 seconds, clap, highlight, and comment.

The mother starts her morning rant.

“You, at the back, LOOK at me when I am talking to you. Taking care of all of you every day is like herding cattle.

Make your bed.

Pick up your clothes from the floor and put them in the laundry basket. Do you see that pretty-looking wicker basket? That’s where the dirty clothes go.

You just ate your breakfast, you walked over to the sink to leave your plate. Now finish the sequence. Rinse the plate and put it in the dishwasher.

You don’t have to help me, just help yourselves first.”

I’m sure you’ve heard your fair share from your mother. I love the third cow in the picture looking away. So typical of children.

If you want to join the Drabble challenge, check out the rules and the word of the day:

Read Nicolas Ramis🦎’s Drabble about Cows as Zen Masters.



Sandy Maximus
Fiction Shorts

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer in (pre) cancer treatment with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.